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Thailand Must Halt Judicial Harassment of Human Rights Defenders

Saturday, July 11, 2015
Thailand must halt judicial harassment of human rights defenders

Phuket Journalists Ms. Chutima Sidasathian and Mr. Alan Morison prosecuted for criminal defamation for reporting on human trafficking of Rohingya and other migrants


ON JULY 14 2015, two award-winning human rights journalists, Ms. Chutima Sidasathian and Mr. Alan Morison of the online newspaper, Phuketwan, face a three-day trial in Phuket, Thailand, on charges of criminal defamation under section 328 of Thailand's Criminal Code and section 14(1) of Computer Crime Act.

The charges are based on a July 17, 2013 Phuketwan article quoting a Reuters story on alleged involvement of Thai authorities, including naval forces, in human trafficking of Rohingya people.

The prosecution, brought against Ms. Chutima and Mr. Morison by the Royal Thai Navy, appears to be brought in retaliation for the defendants' legitimate human rights journalism and for the illegitimate purpose of punishing the lawful exercise of freedom of expression.

Both the criminal defamation law and the processes by which Ms. Chutima and Mr. Morison are being prosecuted fall conspicuously short of Thailand's international obligations.

The prosecution contravenes Thailand's duty to ensure and the defendants' rights to enjoy freedom of expression and the fair trial rights guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

The charges have been brought under laws that fail to meet international human rights standards; Thailand's criminal defamation laws and the Computer Crimes Act are vague and overly broad, impose disproportionately harsh criminal sanctions and contravene Thailand's international legal obligations to ensure that all persons within its territory can exercise their lawful right to freedom of expression without risk of criminal sanctions.

Also, Thailand's judicial system is not currently capable of guaranteeing fair trial rights, namely a ''hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal'' as required by the ICCPR (Article 14) and the UDHR (Article 10).

Finally, Ms. Chutima and Mr. Morison are being denied protection due to them as human rights journalists pursuant to the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders.

LRWC urges Thailand to ensure the immediate discontinuance of the above noted criminal proceedings against Chutima Sidasathian and Alan Morison.

LRWC also calls on Thailand to take all steps necessary to:

.. comply with the ICCPR, UDHR and the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders;

.. restore full independence of prosecutors and judges;

.. restore and ensure the protection of all other international human rights binding on Thailand, including fair trial rights, the presumption of innocence and international standards of pre-trial release;

.. restore democratic rule through free and fair elections.

LAWYERS' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is a committee of Canadian lawyers who promote human rights and the rule of law through advocacy, education and research. LRWC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN).

A fully notated version can be found at


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Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada makes some of the best, most accurate statements on this case.

Ian Yarwood
Solicitor - Perth. Australia

Posted by Ian Yarwood on July 11, 2015 14:11



Posted by Sir Burr on July 11, 2015 22:15

Editor Comment:

Anonymous online commenters don't have any right to question the activities, motives or comments of real people, Sir Burr. Best accept that you're a coarse cardboard cutout.


..a WET coarse cardboard cut out at that..
I've been there.

Posted by farang888 on July 12, 2015 10:27

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