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Phuket-born Ricardo Choosaneh with foster mother Kimberley Ching-Yong

Phuket Boy Ricardo Among Rising Number of Abductions

Friday, July 1, 2011
PHUKET: Figures show the number of British children abducted by a parent and taken abroad is increasing, with Thailand a favored destination.

Pakistan and India rank first and third in numerical terms, sandwiching Thailand.

The Foreign Office said that 161 children had been taken over the past 12 months to countries that are outside an international treaty designed to ensure the return of wrongfully removed minors.

On Phuket, parental abduction is known to be an issue. The most prominent case has been the twice-abducted Ricardo Choosaneh, a nine-year-old first taken by his Thai mother from his father in the Netherlands, then taken from Phuket by his foster mother earlier this year.

His mother, Sumetra Choosaneh, told Phuketwan in an interview in Bangkok in March that she planned to go to Europe to regain her boy - but through the courts this time.

Khun Sumetra and her family say that the father has never been a good provider and continues to use possession of the boy as a means to extract money from others and to gain government housing in the Netherlands.

Britain's Foreign Office admitted that true figures on abductions are likely to be much higher because many cases go unreported.

AFP reported that although Pakistan, Thailand and India topped the list of nations involved, there were cases in another 94 countries that are outside the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

Foreign Office minister Jeremy Browne told the news agency: ''Finding a solution can be especially difficult if a child has been taken to a non-Hague country as there are no international systems in place to help you. This is why prevention is so important.''

The Phuket case of young Ricardo has brought international attention, with a television show in the Netherlands encouraging support from viewers for the boy's father, Michael Roland van Alphen.

However, Khun Sumetra and her family maintain that Phuket-born Ricardo, abducted twice in the space of nine months, should never have been snatched on the second occasion by foster mother Kimberley Ching-Yong because the boy's future is brighter on Phuket.

Only a court, having listened carefully to both sides, can settle the matter with the best interests of the child to the fore.

As Sharon Cooke, advice line manager for Reunite International Child Abduction Centre, told AFP: ''The psychological impact on children can be traumatic and for the left-behind parent, the shock and loss are unbearable, particularly if they don't know where their child is.''
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Thailand does not recognize dual-nationality; so, in the case of parental conflict for a child who has the Thai nationality, the court will favor and protect the Thai child and mother to stay together except in few cases when mother is added or alcoholic or no proof of income but it will not be easy to win in Thai court.
Actually a lot of foreigners are squizzed by their girl-friends or Thai wife as they know that with a child between them, they blackmail the father for money and long-term visa.
I know a lot of them in that case.
You can play football with Thai people but you can not win.

Posted by Whistle-Blower on July 1, 2011 12:22


Member of the Hague convention or not. Thailand don`t see parental Abductions as a crime. The fathers has no rights there when the mother abduct the child. The only way to recover a child from Thailand is to grab and go. Read more about IPCA here: (moderated)

Posted by Martin Waage on July 1, 2011 21:31

Editor Comment:

The site you name has ''abducted'' an article from Phuketwan without credit. We don't promote thieves. You must have missed the arrest of an American man last year who took his daughter to Thailand, where he was arrested on Phuket.


We always credit the source of our articles. Often with a direct hyperlink in the text too. If you send me the link to the article I will check it up.

Posted by Martin Waage on July 2, 2011 08:37

Editor Comment:

What do you mean, ''our articles''? The site you mention has lifted an entire Phuketwan story without a credit. It's blatant theft. The whole site appears to be nothing but articles stolen from other sites. Lifting entire stories, even with a link, is an appalling rip-off. Shameful, unethical stuff.


We are sorry if you don`t think it`s ok that we re-publish your articles with a link back to you. Please provide me with the url`s to the articles, and we will remove them right away. We are just trying to collect articles from all over the world, so people easier can find the information. We work for parents of abducted children, and I don`t feel like a thief just because we supply them with articles from different sites and newspapers around the world.

Posted by Martin Waage on July 3, 2011 02:16

Editor Comment:

Martin, it's precisely the same principle as the topic of your site. I don't doubt your sincerity, but if you have not asked first, then the whole site is an exercise in plagiarism. Did you just find the articles and republish them, or did you ask permission first? To publish a one-paragraph summary and a link would be acceptable. To republish the whole article without approval is wrong. And that's not just one Phuketwan article, it's all the ''borrowed'' content. Sorry.

Saturday July 27, 2024
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