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'Smart Tourism' is Phuket's next move, says Santi Pawai

Phuket's Future is in Smart Tourism, New Minister Decides

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
PHUKET: Future decisions about Phuket and tourism will be made with the entire Andaman region in mind under the new minister's policy, Phuketwan has learned.

''Smart tourism'' will be the focus of the policy under Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul at Tourism and Sport, says the department's Phuket chief, Santi Pawai. ''People will be reached through social networks and smartphones,'' he said.

The minister made the point in two days during which the new government's tourism policy was formulated that infrastructure must be improved to support tourism, especially basic facilities such as public toilets at beaches and parks.

''The intention is also to seek local people as guides,'' Khun Santi said. ''Today the Minister will meet with the Education Minister about ways of giving guides more skills, as well as improving the skills of others in tourism.''

He said he understood the minister's intention was to work across a few projects that would maximise the impact of the 18 months that the present government intended to be in power rather than attending to a multitude of issues.

Other senior people in government have told Phuketwan that environmental tourism is seen as a viable option for Phuket and the surrounding provinces of Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Ranong that make up the Andaman ''cluster.''

Khun Kobkarn is expected to visit Phuket for the Asian beach Games from November 14-21, if not earlier.


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if environmental tourism is a viable option then get rid of this ridiculous dolphin exhibit..
and if you want local people as guides, then hire smart ones to match your smart tourism...especially keen on local history and the environment as well as being truly bi or multi lingual ...maybe the Minister should get the gov't to financially assist in the continued education of those selected for the positions.

Posted by sky on September 17, 2014 14:57


Para Sailors and jet skis do not add to the improvement of public beaches and parks....nor are they environmentally friendly...a "smart" move would be to start with either (and hopefully) getting rid of them or if need be, move them to the far end of the beaches

Posted by zig on September 17, 2014 15:03


Although I support Khun Kobkran's views, it is and will be 'just hot air' until....

Scams are sorted out (jet-ski, transport, tour companies etc)

Local Tour Guides have a solid code of ethics.

All areas and businesses are connected to proper working waste water systems.

There will be success in reform of education, police and court-systems.

Posted by Mr. K on September 17, 2014 16:21


If the attractions of BangLa Rd. would be moved somewhere inland, redeveloped to a higher standard (it's pity look of girls with make-up flowing down as they operate mostly in the heat outdoor , not indoor; but general improvement if standards of conceit, construction, service in a wider sense to move it upmarket), then it would resolve many problems of the beach of Patong, would give fresh breath to Patong area, as at BangLa new hotels, objects for smart tourism etc. will be erected.
For people traveling in the night to BangLa from Karon, Kamala etc., it doesn't matter if such attraction will be located, say, in Thalang.

There is no sound reasons why a night entertainment venue should be kept virtually at coastal area.
Obviously, some higher authority should provide proper impetus down-ward hierarchy chain to make it happen.

Posted by Sue on September 17, 2014 19:09


Smart Tourism need smart people implanting it. Santi is the guy proposing price fixing for hotels and tours, not really a smart move.

Posted by Resident on September 17, 2014 19:34


Smart is as smart does - and words are cheap - action speaks for itself.

Posted by farang888 on September 17, 2014 21:44


Last week Financial Times criticized the new Marlon Brando's resort that lies on a private island in French Polynesia, and is marketed as an eco-resort, where a villa on full passion costs 3000 EUR per night, for the points, which are actually now have been resolved or been resolved on Phuket.
This review may be considered as indicative what direction need to be taken to attract more eco-conscious visitors, who are at the same time are more affluent, than lovers of an affordable comfort of thousands of beach chairs from the past history of Phuket:

"At lunch, tinkling of recorded music interferes with the pounding of the surf. The contemporary loungers and beanbags feel like they might belong to any generic beach hotel. "

"The most disappointing part is the accommodation.
... I want to let the breeze into my bedroom. Forget it. The window doesn't open . . . a the bedroom leaves me feeling short of air, as in the sort that carries the smells and sounds of where I am. "

Issues of carbon footprint are also considered by those travelers , both in terms of a travel itself and bringing of supplies:
"Self-sufficiency, however, remains elusive when, with the exception of the honey, coconut and lagoon fish, every fruit, vegetable and meat is sourced off-atoll. Import duties mean it's cheaper to bring in milk from France than from North America.
When the resort's scientist-in-residence - a graduate in oceanography from Seattle - talks about the crisis facing coral reefs from CO2 emissions, I think of the 15,700km trip the pigeon made from France to The Brando's kitchens.
This actually makes the achievements of The Brando's more formal restaurant - crab in pineapple and passion aspic with coconut emulsion, the veal tenderloin with truffles - all the more conspicuous.
But would I recommend coming all the way from Europe (my journey involved 20 hours' flying time from the UK via Paris and LA)? Or from Australia, which has Asia in closer proximity?"

Phuket is surely better positioned in these areas too, for Europeans and Australians in terms of carbon footprint of travel.

Posted by Sue on September 21, 2014 21:47

Editor Comment:

The window doesn't open? That only happens in cities.

Tuesday October 8, 2024
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