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Phuket resort managers talk with New year party organisers today

Phuket New Year Party Talks End With More Talks Planned

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
PHUKET: Talks this afternoon failed to resolve whether the proposed Paris Hilton two-day New Year beach party will go ahead at Phuket's Surin beach.

The managers of seven Phuket resorts and villa groups met with representatives from organisers Sydictive Element for 90 minutes following almost two hours of talks earlier in the day.

Marketing, Sponsorship and Sales Director Lars Londal was at pains to point out that the event was not a techno music festival and that a more mature, upmarket and non-drugtaking segment was being targetted.

At the end of talks, however, the resort managers said they had two continuing causes for concern: the venue and the date.

They said they stuck by their open letter to Phuket Governor Maitree Inthusud, supporting the concept but saying it was not ideal for Surin beach at New Year.

''People who stay in Surin enjoy it for the quiet, relaxing atmosphere,'' one resort manager added. ''If they want to party, they go to Patong.''

Local residents, many of whom will be deprived of their normal work as beach vendors for an extended period if the event goes ahead, also voiced their objections.

A representative from the organisers, Supacheep Wanchai, said holding the event on Surin beach was ''like giving you an attraction free of charge.''

''Guests can stay in their hotels and watch the fireworks,'' he said.

The resort managers were not convinced. More talks are planned.

Mr Londal said after the meeting that the talks should have taken place earlier.

''We're here today to totally open up and listen to what they [the resort managers and residents] have to say.

''We will find a way. We definitely want to proceed with them. We don't want to proceed without them.''

He said that once the first event was held to promote Surin and Phuket at New Year, the event could be moved to a different time of the year.

''This is the only time we do it at New Year, guaranteed.

''We need the resorts. We hope that eventually they will say that they need us, too. But we understand the way they see their businesses.

''Our main market, 80 percent, would be from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong. We're here to stretch out our arm and give it a try to make it work.

''We want to do the best for Surin beach. We don't want to harm Surin beach. We don't want to harm the image of Phuket.

''We aim to promote both. If it wasn't so important for us to do it at Surin, we could have done it in Bangkok.''

Managers at the meeting in Surin this afternoon were from Twinpalms Phuket, Ayara Hilltops, The Surin, Doubletree by Hilton, Amanpuri, Ayara Surin and The Chava Surin.


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This event sounds creepy to me in the way it is announced and overwhelming us, the Phuket people.

Posted by PhuketGreed on November 6, 2012 20:05


One subject seems to be painfully lacking in the discussions:

Who approved and on what authority the use of public beaches for private profit ?

Anyone ?

Posted by Andrew on November 6, 2012 21:03


I agree with both of the above comments.

Furthermore, think Mr. Londal's argument is unimpressive. They need to have it in Surin on New Years for the first time and then after that it can be on different dates as well?

That there will not be drugs there?

That resorts should sign on due to free fire works?


Posted by J on November 7, 2012 10:19


'We want to do the best for Surin beach. We don't want to harm Surin beach..."

Fine. So go away.

Posted by Buster on November 7, 2012 13:48


" If it wasn't so important for us to do it at Surin, we could have done it in Bangkok.'" The CEO already admitted they could not meet the regulations in Bangkok. It is not important to do this in Surin.

Where are these mythical 50,000 "mature, upmarket and non-drug taking" people that like to attend non-techno events for two days of non-stop techno music? Please!

Londal and Wanchai. Claiming they are doing the best for Surin. Yet they are not from Phuket, never consulted residents, and refuse to accept feedback this is not wanted.

If it is such a great idea, then shop the event around to other beach communities.

No permissions have been granted, so this should not go ahead. Certainly not in Surin.

Posted by local boy on November 7, 2012 14:05


"We hope that eventually they will say that they need us, too."
Does he really think Surin can not do without him?

Posted by stevenl on November 7, 2012 14:48

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