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A Thai man has his face repaired after an altercation in Patong last night

Phuket Tourist in Punch-Up With Patong Tuk-Tuk Driver

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Russian man and the tuk-tuk driver both failed to turn up on Saturday for a scheduled mediation session, said an officer at Kathu Police Station, which oversees Patong. ''It seems they are both happy to forget the dispute,'' he said.

Original Report

PHUKET: Two fist-fights - one involving a tourist and a tuk-tuk driver - are being investigated today by police in Patong.

The first violent encounter came when a man alleged to be a money lender was hit by a customer when he tried to recover his loan.

Around 1am, according to onlookers, a Russian tourist who was drunk became involved in a dispute with a tuk-tuk driver outside the Jungceylon shopping centre.

One witness said the expat threw the first punch. The Russian, named as Vadin Pomogaev, 26, was allegedly struck on the head with a bottle.

Both men were treated at Patong Hospital early today for their injuries.

Patong police complained recently that they were being called to an increasing number of incidents involving tourists who had had too much to drink.


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500baht fine should clear things up:)

Posted by JimmyD on December 3, 2011 13:05


And no complaints about violent behaviour by tuktuk drivers. Had another one myself this week in front of Hard Rock Cafe. Obviously we are not allowed to park anywhere along Rat-U-Thit Road. And what the police does...

Posted by Lucien on December 3, 2011 14:08


Patong a real classy place these days, at least the tuk tuk driver didn't have the normal ten to one odds in his favor this time.

Posted by Scunner on December 3, 2011 14:43


tuktuk driver should consider every Russian a bikie at heart.

Drunk bloody dangerous guys. They do not care to loose, they love the fight. The are Russians. Most of them got beaten and give some beatings at home, at school, in town and finally the diamond cut thanks to the Russian conscript army.

And a lot have special ops training, as they needed a lot of spetsnaz, who seem to like to live/holiday in Thailand. But most likely a bit older then this guy.

Posted by Lena on December 3, 2011 16:09


@ Lucien

Had an incident that very nearly resulted in me being beaten up by a bunch of Tuk-Tuk drivers at the same location some time ago. Also for the hideous crime of wanting to park my car on a public street in a legal parking spot.

Calling the police would only make things worse because as they told me laughing, they pay the police so by all means, call them and see what happens next.

This is nothing new, has been like this for years and nobody in a position of authority is doing anything about it.

They keep turning a blind eye and the public walks away with a black eye.

Posted by Steve C. on December 3, 2011 18:27


"A Russian tourist who was drunk"... A prime example of a redundant phrase if ever there was one.

Posted by Graham on December 3, 2011 19:20


Nice edit Ed welcome back.

Posted by Scunner on December 4, 2011 01:48


Alcohol causes violence - among other vices, yet its manufacturers and distributors enjoy full protection from the government. Enough of the hypocrisy. Give people a choice and I bet most would choose a buzz with less harmful drugs. Legalise marijuana NOW.

Posted by Media Watcher on December 4, 2011 11:48

Editor Comment:

Alcohol causes violence? I thought it was people. You admit marijuana is harmful. To trade one harmful drug for another harmful seems an illogical argument, media watcher. Why not make them both illegal? Sloganeering simply makes people question your motives.


He was suggesting to trade a drug that made (some) people violent with a much less harmful one. Nothing illogical in that.

Back on topic, call me cynical but I find it midly amusing to see drunk russians fist fight with tuk tuk drivers. Hope this trend will go on.

Posted by John on December 4, 2011 16:17

Editor Comment:

John, what makes you think Media Watcher is a he? Guesswork will get you nowhere. Your logic also has to be questioned.

To wish for more violent confrontations confirms our misgivings.


Funny, isn't it, how easy it is the next day to forget a late-night drunken dispute which at the time seemed like a life-and-death struggle. Maybe not being able to remember anything about what happened the night before might have something to do with this. The ONLY benefit I can think of associated with drunkenness.

Posted by Andreas on December 4, 2011 16:37


Geez what a nitpick you are! Obviously there is very high probability that Media Watcher is a man, given that most of phuket expats are men, most of the posters on this site are men (just check the names on the various comments), and that most of marijuana defenders are men too. That's just basic logic.

My apologies if Media Watcher is actually a woman, but who cares?

Posted by John on December 4, 2011 18:49

Editor Comment:

Guesswork is guesswork, John. We can't do it, why should you?

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