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Phuket Land Transport Chief Teerayut Prasertpon shows new taxi ID

Phuket Taxi Drivers Nabbed, Fined, Warned

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

On Wednesday, the third day of the campaign, it was reported that as many as 194 Phuket taxi drivers had been fined and warned for infringements.

Original Report

PHUKET: A special team of officers from the Land Transport Office in Bangkok has imposed fines of up to 2000 baht on 104 taxi drivers on Phuket during a raid so far this week.

The team of 12 is continuing to operate at a checkpoint on Phuket today - Phuketwan knows the location but we're not revealing it.

The fines early this week came at Karon, Cherng Talay and Phuket International Airport.

More fines are expected to be imposed before the unit wraps up its first visit and heads back to Bangkok after Friday.

The team began its operations on Monday and in two days imposed fines relating to the new taxi regulations on 104 drivers.

Fifty-nine drivers paid fines of up to 2000 baht for not registering.

Another 45 drivers were fined 500 baht for not carrying out aspects of the new rules, which require specific signage on the signs of vehicles and driver ID inside.

''There drivers were also given a first warning,'' a spokesperson said. ''The drivers have been told that if they incur two more warnings, they will no longer be able to operate as taxi drivers.''

The special number for complaints and for calling taxis is 1584.


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Before all of the skeptics and naysayers weigh in with the usual barrage of cynicism and snarkiness, I would like to commend the government and the police for taking a step in the right direction. Well done, I say.

Posted by Matt on October 24, 2012 15:24


Have to laugh about spokesman's statement, they're illegal taxis anyway so they shouldn't be operating in the first place!

Posted by phuket madness on October 24, 2012 15:43


It's good to see the gov't taking action, but why not set up a system where these illegals are monitored every doubt, come friday when they return to BKK, some of these illegals will be back on the road.

Posted by sky on October 24, 2012 17:25


It's good they are trying to deal with the issues but if there is no one in Phuket to take over between visits I have to wonder if it will change things much. One of the reasons for such high prices has to be that taxi drivers don't get that much work because there are so many of them just hanging around. (I know I know it's just the system here.)

That said the local police should be looking at tourists that don't have valid licences that is for operation of a jet-ski, car, scooter, motorcycle or whatever else they care to drive. They should be getting an "international licence" before driving here.

my 50 satang

Posted by Ty on October 24, 2012 17:44


"Phuketwan knows the location but we're not revealing it."
We have a Secret Squirrel in our midst! LMFAO
You don't really know. It's just another cunning plan to get one of your readers to tell you! LMFAO [again]

Posted by Amazed in Thailand on October 24, 2012 19:11

Editor Comment:

If you've laughed yours off, please stay away from Phuket's beaches.


Good to see some action. It would be nice to see fines for taxis NOT having meters there would be a money maker for sure. Then they could fine them for not using the meter....fines for tampering with the meter....fines for not displaying metered fares etc what a windfall for the coffers of the local government. Keep dreaming sunshine :(

Posted by Tom on October 24, 2012 20:36

Editor Comment:

Tom, metered or not, it really doesn't matter. The next step really should be to have customers not pay for the return trip they don't take. That's the Big Ripoff. I am surprised the penny hasn't dropped in your meter.


Phuketwan knows the location but we're not revealing it, wow big deal, nobody cares . . . (moderated).

Posted by dave on October 24, 2012 21:10

Editor Comment:

The reason why we didn't reveal where the checkpoint was, dave, is to prevent taxi drivers from avoiding it. No need for bad language.


I think your comments link is broken. the editor is a complete self opinionated d********,what a p****.

Posted by dave on October 24, 2012 21:20

Editor Comment:

Heavens, dave, you sound a bit like a frustrated island DJ, lashing out after a few drinks. What a sad case.


I don't understand why they would send a group from BKK all the way to Phuket to do a job that should be handled by the local police...

Posted by Ted Davis on October 25, 2012 02:44


Firstly I would like to commend the government on finally taking some action at least. Let's hope that they will now begin tackling the much debated issue of introducing fair taxi prices to Phuket. Though I realise the is a long shot.

Posted by reader on October 25, 2012 12:33


Since the taxi fares from the airport are fixed, what's the point of a meter?

Posted by Buster on October 25, 2012 19:32


liked this comment at the end of an article in the sydney morning herald

Getting around
Phuket's tourism boom has spawned taxi syndicates whose drivers frequently demand inflated prices and target drunk Westerners. Try to steer clear of hedonistic Patong and use hotel cars if possible

Posted by Michael on October 26, 2012 23:44


As i have mentioned before what about friends picking people from the airport or seeing them off are these folk to be fined also or are the laws set to catch everyone including the innocent.

Posted by Alex on October 27, 2012 20:10

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