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A Patong tuk-tuk: about 50 arrests were made in one part of the holiday hub

Phuket Police Promise Disappeared With Tuk-Tuk Arrests, Says Patong Councillor

Sunday, September 7, 2014
PHUKET: A Patong councillor with two sons who work as tuk-tuk drivers this week complained that police had failed to keep their promise when more than 80 arrests were made and tuk-tuks and other vehicles confiscated in Patong.

Manot Panchalad, speaking at the Patong Council meeting, said that more than 50 arrests had been made in his district of Patong. Tuk-tuks and other vehicles were seized and impounded as well, he said.

''Our residents are now very confused because on March 4, when tuk-tuks blocked the road in Patong, I helped mediate the solution at Kathu Police Station. It was agreed there would be no charges as a result.

''It did not matter who was right and who was wrong.

''What is the real problem, and why did the drivers block the road? Was the problem created by the police or not? All police, the authorities, did not listen so the people protested. They blocked the road.

''We had a promise that they would not charge us and we agreed not to block the road again. Just forget this, it was agreed.

''This week my two sons were among those arrested. Some other parents did not have the money for bail. The police process is very tough.''

The councillor called for Phuket Governor Maitree Intrusud to become involved and for Governor Maitree to make a decision based on the facts.

''Our residents mostly work as tuk-tuk drivers,'' he said. ''You know how the big tree can survive? Because of the weeds.''

Parking restrictions on the streets of Patong were making life even tougher for drivers, he said.

''How are the tuk-tuk drivers supposed to adapt?'' the councillor said. ''Our children have all become tuk-tuk drivers. They don't know how to do anything else. They do not have additional skills. They will have difficulty adjusting to change.''

Mayor Cherlmlak Kebsub said she was happy to listen, but there was little that she could do. Councillor Manot asked the governor to help fix the problem.


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The police process is very tough


Very good.
Now you will learn may be what is good deemed and what is not good one.

Posted by Sue on September 7, 2014 22:08


Our children have all become tuk-tuk drivers. They don't know how to do anything else. They do not have additional skills. They will have difficulty adjusting to change.


Don't be so sad.
There is a such category - un-skilled/semi-skilled jobs, where training will be provided on-site, and will last max. up to two weeks.
So I am sure they will adapt to be able to do other jobs too, just give them a chance - let they respond to job ads that are exhibited on doors and walls all around Patong area, I am sure they will be admitted. So this is not a reason to worry.

However I worry about part, which is what is their used monthly budget - you know, the Kingdom adapted market economy long time ago, so I assume they will get paid market price fir they'd skill 9,000-15,000THB monthly. But since you didn't mention this as a problem, I assume they will adapt their spendings , even if while working on tuktuks they were spending more

Posted by Sue on September 7, 2014 22:15


Perhaps someone can explain to Manot Panchalad that agreements made under duress are not binding. As well, agreements made with officials who did not have the authority to decide mean nothing. It is the prosecutor's office that decides on the merits of a case and whether or not charges can or will be brought. The police may have agreed not to lay charges, but this does not stop other entities with a legal right ad duty from applying the law.

Posted by Ryan on September 7, 2014 23:03


If this sad story doesn't stop soon, I fear my tears will flood Patong!

Posted by Tbs on September 8, 2014 00:15


You are supposedly one of the Patong leaders and you didn't think an education for your sons was important ? Shame on you.

Posted by GiantFan on September 8, 2014 03:42


I am sure everyone that you have ripped off with your extortionate fares over the years are crying for you!

Posted by Amazing thailand on September 8, 2014 03:50


If I remember right the Police were trying to enforce Law and the People did not protest - the Tuk Tuk drivers protested. It is clear that Khun Manot did not teach his Boys the difference between "right & wrong " ...... Oh silly me he is a councillor , they don't know the difference between "right & wrong".

Posted by Leigh on September 8, 2014 08:16


Was the problem created by the police or not? All police, the authorities, did not listen so the people protested. They blocked the road.


Not good, not good for police, not good.
Very insincere and lack of gratitude.

Posted by Sue on September 8, 2014 08:28


Probably Patong councillor Manot doesn't understand the thai law system. He doesn't understand that 'moment-agreements' by blackmailing ( road blocking) have no legal support at higher justice levels. Difficult time for all his tuktuk children? Well, sometimes you become stronger by learning to handle difficulties. You get stronger as it contributes to character strenght. It is never to late to learn additional skills, right? Don't see the tuktuk job as a life time job anymore. That is over. Times here also change. Get real, get a life!

Posted by Kurt on September 8, 2014 08:40


It's about time they got shut of this bunch of childish Councillors and let the new Mayor get on with the good job she is doing. Sack the lot I say and start afresh.

Posted by rich on September 8, 2014 11:20


Just back in Australia from Patong. Missing it already. While there I read an article that the Army had sacked a council and inserted the Mayor as an administrator. There was a meeting planned and the same was expected at Patong. Obviously did not happen, maybe it should. A Mayor can not work with a volatile opposing council. New broom?

Posted by DaveMc60 on September 8, 2014 13:54

Editor Comment:

The council in Phang Nga Town was sacked by the governor of the province. Perhaps you are thinking wishfully.


Thanks Ed could not remember specifics. Wishful or hopeful maybe, but would be nice to have a workable council.

Posted by DaveMc60 on September 8, 2014 17:30


all your children become tuk tuk drivers
demonstrates the problem is over supply for demand result unethical practices for highest market share I cant be sympathetic for the hard done by tuk tuk drivers whatsoever

Posted by slickmelb on September 8, 2014 18:47


So are the TukTuks not part of the "metered taxi" discussion at all? It seems they are now occupying every single available space on the curbs of the first and second road. With the other taxis being regulated to their proper parking areas no one is pushing the tuks out too? First thing they need to do is get rid of 50% of them, then make the others ones "roam". No parking on the street at all, keep moving or park at home.

Posted by James Bond on September 8, 2014 18:58


Wow can't you just feel the love in this webpage ..... Oh if I owned a panzer tank

Posted by geoff on September 8, 2014 19:56


Councillor Manot, how did you vote on the 200m Baht gift to bury the power lines?

Posted by Lena on September 9, 2014 00:53

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