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The wife of the dead man mourns his passing on Phuket today

Phuket Expat's Body Found Hanged at Shopping Centre

Friday, November 9, 2012
PHUKET: A Swedish expat living on Phuket hanged himself at a well-known Phuket shopping centre today.

The man, 67, had argued with his Swedish wife and driven off early today from their house near the HomePro centre in Chalong, police said.

About 7.30am, officers were called to the the centre in Chao Fa Road West, close to Chalong Circle.

They found the man's body hanging from a drainpipe at the rear of the store.

Police said they contacted the man's wife immediately. The pair had been to the Chalong Police Station yesterday in an effort to have their argument mediated.

The wife was at the scene when Phuket Ruamjai Foundation paramedics cut down her husband.

She was grieving deeply.

She told police that her husband left the house about 6.30am today.

The man and his wife had retired to Phuket, police said.

Phuketwan has been provided with the man's name but is awaiting word before publication that relatives in Sweden have been notified.

Anyone feeling depressed or suicidal should contact family or friends or, if they are not available, seek help from a doctor.


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How sad to read this.. His wife and family must be feeling terrible .. My heart goes out to them.

Posted by Robert on November 9, 2012 09:36


This is tragic and a loss on all fronts...So many come to Thailand to enjoy the final years, only to find that it will not measure to what they expected.Very sad. RIP.

Posted by Ted Davis on November 9, 2012 10:13


Nice to see you maintaining your usual standards of decency in reporting such incidents. Seems like a Phuket weekly English newspaper isn't quite so sensitive about publishing the poor man's name on their website.

Posted by Andrew on November 9, 2012 12:09


Very sad. Deepest sympathy to his wife and family.

Posted by chaseone on November 9, 2012 12:35


The work of the Tourist Police is welcomed but as deaths are so common, only a few days ago a British tourist killed himself, it seems that advertising a support service is needed for distressed people.

Posted by Farang on November 9, 2012 13:51


I knew both of them, living just 50m away from me.

Without going into further details, I feel no sympathy for the wife but am deeply saddened for him and his family.

I can only imagine how they feel now, having seen this coming ever since they married four years ago.

Posted by Jack on November 9, 2012 14:10


Nobody should lose anyone this way. Very sad event indeed. RIP.

Posted by Graham on November 9, 2012 18:33


Jack, may I get in contact with you somehow?
Ake was my father in law.

Posted by Mats on November 9, 2012 21:32

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