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The shoes and clothing of the Japanese man were spotted on rocks

Japanese Man Left Clothes on Rocks North of Patong, Disappeared into Water

Saturday, February 14, 2015
PHUKET: The body of a Japanese man who may have taken his own life was recovered from the sea near a rocky headland north of Patong today.

Police identified the dead man, brought back to shore by lifeguards from Patong on a jet-ski and a speedboat, at Yoshiaki Hirose, 48.

While all options are still open, the initial belief of police is that he may have chosen Valentine's Day to end it all for reasons that have yet to be disclosed.

His body appeared to be weighted down with rocks.

Mr Hirose left his shoes and clothes in a neat pile on the rocks above, which is what initially alerted passersby and led to a more thorough search of the waters off the rocks.

His body was taken to Patong Hospital.


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Posted by Sam on February 15, 2015 10:56


So So Sad.... Poor guy..


Posted by Robert on February 15, 2015 14:21

Saturday July 27, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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