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Supermodel Odet conquers Phuket in a Phuket Mermaids bikini

Swimsuits Plus Tata Young: Photo Special

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tata and Swimsuit Photo Album Above

IT WAS a night of triumph and Tata, a treat for the eye and the ear.

There is only one Tata, and that's Tata Young, and last night she talked of Michael Jackson and sang of life and love.

Along the way, Phuket proved it is up to staging a Fashion Week and Music Festival to high international standards.

With US Navy sailors and young teenage fans among the huge crowd, the parades of casual silks and colorful swimsuits down the long catwalk provided a memsmerising sight in Jungceylon's courtyard.

On display were the dress designs of Phuvasa, followed by the Elle casual wear collection and Elle Lingerie. The show's finale featured the stunning, exotic swimwear line of Phuket Mermaids.

Onlookers packed the balconies and the waterspouts added to the theatrics.

Then Tata Young did amazing things with her voice, bringing the entire audience to its feet. She sang four songs, three in English, and the audience cried for more.

If she was the sound of Phuket last night, then supermodel Odet was the body and the look.

Behind her came a string of models, demonstrating that fashion is something the island needs.

Patong has never seen a show quite like this. Those who were there will remember it, perhaps, as a historic event: the night the fishing village became a fashion hub.

There's more to come each night until June 30. But Tata, Odet and company set standards last night that will be difficult to top.

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Patong a fishing village? can I have some of whatever your'e smoking? and Tata - Thai pop is a joke. imho. btw, Thai country music is gr8 !

Editor: So you think Patong has always had tall buildings and Jungceylon? Like you, it has a past . . . as a fishing village.

Posted by Anonymous on June 29, 2009 11:42


So today was when it stopped being a fishing villiage ??

You had me right up to the 'fashion hub' line... Been in Thailand too long when everything becomes a hub !

Posted by anon on June 29, 2009 14:34


Another non=story from you guys!! Just another excuse for the editor to ogle girls even if the story is "written" (haha) by a Thai.

Posted by Bill O on July 1, 2009 16:39

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