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The US warning when it was on the front page of the embassy site

US Terror Alert Ending With a Whimper

Monday, January 30, 2012
News Analysis

PHUKET: The US Embassy in Thailand has now quietly removed the terrorist warning to tourists in Bangkok from the front page of its online site . . . and perhaps it's better that the misguided alert went with a whimper rather than a bang.

Sad to say, an explosion would have been the only way that the US embassy officials could have proved beyond doubt that the warning was justified.

And if there had been a blast at a tourist precinct in Bangkok, it's fairly certain that people from other countries would have been hurt, along with Americans and Israelis.

Although the two originators of the warning - the Israeli and US Governments - have now stilled their sense of alarm, according to the Bangkok Post at least 14 other countries are still warning their citizens about the danger.

Phuketwan will continue to argue that the current nation-by-nation travel alert/warning/advisory system is a farce.

The main problem it has is that no intelligent traveller believes the doomsayers who see dangers at every corner and trouble just over each horizon.

What the world needs is a system that works, one that accepts the premise that in most natural and man-made disasters, every person is at equal risk, regardless of their nationality.

If we can safeguard the aviation industry for all passengers, regardless of nationality, why can't the same important feat be attempted on the ground?

Americans who took the trouble to register with the US embassy - and I guess those who registered with the Israeli embassy - were also issued warnings via email or sms. That's great.

The general international system for all should be supplemented by a registration system for warnings from individual nations.

There are obviously going to be times when specific nationalities are a target. But the farcical situation that made a mockery of the - no-doubt sincere - efforts of the Americans to warn their citizens will probably have to be repeated time and time again in different corners of the world before commonsense prevails.

And if the boy keeps crying wolf and nothing happens, little wonder that the travellers of the world are no longer listening.


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I suppose the arrests of Hezbollah members in Bangkok along with safe houses raided and serious amount of bomb making material seized was also crying wolf, Ed.

This was no joke. Thank a deity that the combined security agencies were onto this like flies on poo and that the baddies were brought in and their weapons seized before we had a Mumbai in Bangkok. Terror warning was well warranted.

Posted by Josh on January 30, 2012 21:19

Editor Comment:

Josh, whether the terror warning was warranted is not proveable one way or another, nor is it the point of this article. The point is whether one nationality can be in danger while citizens of other countries in the same place at the same time are not, which is the foolish conceit of national alerts/warnings/advisories. Somewhere between 14 and 16 countries have yet to lift their alerts, so their citizens are still allegedly at risk. Really? You believe that?


"Terror Alert Ends With a Whimper'

How much fanfare were they supposed to use?

Posted by mikey on January 30, 2012 23:01

Editor Comment:

Yet another question that can't be answered - because there is no alternative.


Hate to pop your bubble, but the emergency warning is still on the web site. It may be off the front page, but it is still there, and as far as I can tell, has not been rescinded.

Posted by larry on January 31, 2012 07:29

Editor Comment:

As the teaser says: ''Gone from the front page of the US Embassy site is the warning about a potential terrorist action against tourists - but other countries still believe their citizens are at risk.''

So it's a downgraded warning? There's still a threat, but it's now a teensy terror one? The social notes are now more newsworthy?
I actually went looking for the warning, but couldn't find it. The terror/travel alert/warning/advisory bubble is what has popped.


The warning is where it has always been - - just no link from the front page. The warning is still in effect.

Posted by larry on January 31, 2012 10:54

Editor Comment:

As I wrote, the warning is no longer on the front page, where it was in full when the terror alert was launched amid great agitation. Can you explain why the Israelis have cancelled their warning, but the US has not? Are Americans (those who find the link, anyway) still in danger, while those who only look at the front page are not? And israelis, meanwhile, are now completely safe, while citizens of 14 or more other nations apparently remain in danger?


The problem is, we don't know how they get their information and what information is shared with who. Just because as an "end user" it may seem ridiculous, but we don't know.
Why should another country share its secrets of information to a country it doesn't feel happy with.
Each country is still individual and in an ideal world there wouldn't even be terrorists. This isn't an ideal world and the way things work aren't ideal.

I agree with points you make about being uniformed, but at what point? If citizens from a country wants to make a bomb, should the other 200 countries be warned against that one country? I don't believe there is and will be a simple solution.

Posted by Tbs on January 31, 2012 11:41

Editor Comment:

Your thinking is a recipe for continuing with nationalism and wars - the world has tried both of those, and they don't work. Keep the nation by nation alerts that are useless because people no longer believe them? Can individual nations beat terrorism? Time for a better plan.


great writing. this reads like a 13 year old's livejournal.

Posted by Anonymous on February 8, 2012 04:11


Looks like the US was right. Three bom in Bangkok in Sukumvit 71. Lady PM you said we were safe?

Posted by Graham on February 14, 2012 17:04

Editor Comment:

Could be an entirely different threat. Nobody in any city in the world is entirely ''safe.''


Now who's crying wolf!! Better to be safe than sorry.

Posted by Anonymous on February 14, 2012 19:46

Editor Comment:

Anonymous, the US warning concerned a specific threat against US and Israeli tourists in Bangkok. This bomber appeared to be a bit off-target.

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