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Khao Lak beach in high season: rescuers reached the tourist, but too late

Russian Tourist Drowns on Beach North of Phuket

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A RUSSIAN tourist is believed to have drowned off a Khao Lak beach north of Phuket on Tuesday, the first day of his Andaman coast holiday.

A resort sent a dinghy out to the man, who is believed to have cramped up after being pulled some distance off shore by the current. He was a guest at the Khao Lak Laguna.

On Phuket on the same day, the alarm was sounded for an Englishman who told his Australian wife that he planned an afternoon swim at Nai Thon beach. When the man had not returned close to nightfall, his wife sounded the alarm.

She said she was concerned, although he was a strong swimmer. Lifeguards on the Phuket beach, popular at this time of the year with Russians, said they had not seen a man answering his description.

The man turned up back at the resort today, telling his wife that he spent the night on a small rocky outcrop off the beach. It was growing dark, he said, and the sea was rough so he opted to spend the night on the rocks.

A spate of drownings this monsoon season has raised again the issue of adequate warnings about water safety to visitors to Phuket and the Andaman coast.
Phuket Police Hunt Acid Attacker: Five Cars Burned
UPDATE Phuket police are hunting an acid attacker or a gang of acid attackers who are thought to be responsible for burning at least five expensive vehicles overnight.
Phuket Police Hunt Acid Attacker: Five Cars Burned

Phuket's Unwanted Cambodians Ride Home in Style
Latest A large group of illegal Cambodian workers rides home in buses from Phuket with some questions about how they came to the island and who paid still unanswered.
Phuket's Unwanted Cambodians Ride Home in Style

Whiz 'Pulled Online Holidays Fraud': Phuket Police
Latest A European man is on his way home to Budapest accused of being the mastermind behind a laptop fraud that cost hundreds of tourists their holidays on Phuket and Phang Nga.
Whiz 'Pulled Online Holidays Fraud': Phuket Police

Phuket Jetstar Flight Forced Down in Singapore
Latest On a day when its position improved as a preferred carrier, a Jetstar flight from Phuket was forced down in Singapore because of what's described as a ''technical fault.''
Phuket Jetstar Flight Forced Down in Singapore


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Gotta remember that excuse!

Posted by David on November 3, 2010 21:22


"small rocky outcrop"
Like the one you find in a glass of whiskey?
Can we have a follow up to see if she bought this excuse? (relax ED just a joke)

Posted by jon on November 4, 2010 08:58

Saturday July 27, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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