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Planet Phuket: Sanity Must Return to 'Democrazy'

Planet Phuket: Sanity Must Return to 'Democrazy'

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Phuketwan Opinion

EXPAT residents and outsiders who love Thailand can only gaze in horror at the deaths and destruction that have sprung from the country's warped view of the democratic process.

As well as the personal loss, the tragedy extends to every corner of a country where the everyday people pride themselves on tolerance and hospitality.

How a country blessed with so many positive values can tie itself in bloodknots is one of life's enduring mysteries. If there is a way out from this maze that others have rightly called ''democrazy,'' then it's well-hidden within the labyrinth.

As we've said, the difficulty part was never beginning the red protests in Bangkok, but how they would end. Now we have an inkling: with blood and even greater uncertainty.

The blessing, if one can be found, is that so far, the conflict has been restricted to the capital. Yet all participants have to now realise that this is a festering wound that will infect the whole country if it is not treated quickly and wisely.

To those who may be contemplating a visit to Thailand as tourists, all we can say is that Thailand needs you. Stay out of Bangkok if you fear for your safety.

But there are other destinations where there are no signs of dissent and unrest. On Phuket, direct flights make a holiday trouble-free. As was the case five years ago after the tsunami, Phuket needs you to come.

And Thailand? Thailand needs to pause and mourn and find a united path to peace and prosperity.
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"The blessing, if one can be found, is that so far, the conflict has been restricted to the capital."

Well, no deaths or injuries have been reported outside of Bangkok, but there has been protest action in both Chiang Mai and Udon Thani.

Editor: Sure, as we've reported. But no conflict?

Posted by L on April 11, 2010 11:23


Thailand is at a crossroad. The brink to civil war is close (with a lot of communist ex(?)-fighters and Friends-of-Thaksin (FoTs) military and police generals with the Red Faction). We can all see the monsters ugly head rising. Now is the time to think, if Thailand really want to go that road down to hell. Hopefully they get to their senses, even so I am sure someone is a little aroused, that some people died for his billions. I guess he is only complaining about the aircraft accident of the polish intelligenzia on their way to Katyn, stealing his headlines in western countries. What you can do, it is the better story... Who cares for another Thai bloodbath.

Posted by Lena on April 11, 2010 14:52

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