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Phuket Business of the Year 2013 is . . .

Phuket Business of the Year 2013 is . . .

Sunday, December 29, 2013
PHUKET: We've always been modest at Phuketwan and until a policeman came calling on December 16, it would never have occurred to us that we should vote ourselves in as the Best of Phuket Business of the Year 2013.

However, since Phuketwan became the focus of a criminal defamation action - and more importantly quickly won the universal backing of the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without Borders and many other esteemed organisations - our self-esteem has improved.

With Phuket and Thailand now being mentioned in reports around the world that detail the unjust charge and praise Phuketwan for the quality of its reporting, we realise the importance of the task we perform.

And so, with considerable pride in our achievements, we name Phuketwan as the Phuketwan Phuket Business of the Year 2013.

The odd thing is that unlike other winners and rival businesses, we are not actually interested in competing with rivals or making money.

That makes us a most unusual business, especially on Phuket.

Our desire is to see Phuket prosper, and to see the island change for the better as it prospers. Surprisingly there are people who can't grasp that altruism brings its own satisfaction, and that, when all is said and done, money doesn't really matter all that much.

The 10,000 readers who visit Phuketwan most days of the week have mostly come to understand that what we're about is reporting what's happening on Phuket and in Thailand with speed and accuracy, that we care about truth and justice, and that we are keen to give the deprived a better chance at life.

In a crisis, people turn to us to find out what's happening. And when Phuket is being attacked by outside media who don't understand what's going on, it's most often Phuketwan that sets the record straight.

Congratulations to us. Well done, Phuketwan The island's news outlet with the international humanitarian outlook is the Phuket Business of the Year 2013.

Previous winners of Phuket Business of the Year have included those other Phuket icons, Simon Cabaret, SuperCheap, Centara, Marriott and the Big Buddha.


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As Abraham Lincoln once said ''The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just''
Congratulations, you deserve it.
Happy New Year.

Posted by Pete on December 29, 2013 17:21

Editor Comment:

Lincoln would be good for Phuket.


Well Done to you Phuket Wan. I sincerely hope that 2014, the year of the Wooden Horse bring much good fortune to you and all your staff. Keep on reporting, you are only up-to-date reporting news service around here on Phuket, er um, well the World now. Congratulations.

Posted by Robin on December 29, 2013 17:25


Fair play and good luck to you, long time reader here, everything I hear and read about this whole situation strikes as odd.

Its very clear from anyone who is in the know that you guys don't care about money and strive for the longevity of the island, which seems to be fleeting everyday.

Best of luck to you in 2014.

Posted by Danny Dan on December 29, 2013 17:28


Congratulations, I have also declared myself 'biggest a****hole I know award' for outstanding contribution to myself. Even patted myself on the back more than thrice. Well done PW.

Posted by gee on December 29, 2013 19:21


Seriously well deserved. I love my adopted home (Phuket) and believe in my heart that as long as the sun shines on the problems we can make it better. Hats off to your dedicated staff!

Posted by Hotgem on December 29, 2013 20:19


Next winner? Phuket Gazette and Phuket News!

Actually, have they even mentioned the current predicament Phuketwan faces? I am not sure I saw it on the front page where it belongs....

Infinite kudos to Phukewan, a beacon of light above the media politics.

Special commendation to Phuket Insider which HAS dont its part to help make this important issue front page in Phuket...

Keep up the good work in spreading TRUTH... after all, this is exactly what Thailand and its Buddhist culture are all meant to be about!

Posted by J on December 29, 2013 21:13


A policeman calling into your Business on Phuket usually is not good news they call in Monthly at many businesses.

Posted by slickmelb on December 30, 2013 03:42


Well, ok, by any objective business measure Phuketwan does not rate as a great commercial operation: its two main principals facing jail charges and a looming prospect of closure. Not great business! But anyway, this is a subjective award and Phuketwan is known for bending the rules, pushing the boundaries, and here it does so again on its own site. Pioneer of the Year perhaps. Scapegoat of the Year. Alan, I always appreciate that even in your "ripening" age you don't succumb to cynicism, and don't, like so many expats here, just sit and whinge endlessly while accepting the status quo. Khun Oi, I admire you so much for facing this crisis with your usual unwavering calm that has served you so well as a reporter. Some of the whispers I hear around the island are along the lines of "well they should have known their place". YOu both refuse to accept your "place" if it's one that pushes you into an unjust, silent corner. And for that you have my continued support and admiration!!!

Posted by Lana on December 30, 2013 11:00


Well deserved. Congrats to the PhuketWan team.

Posted by Duncan on December 30, 2013 14:39


Congratulations Phuketwan. Although I dislike the editors constant intrusion in conversations, I do respect the work done by the editor and staff. I check Phuketwan daily for news and find it insightful and mostly unbiased. Gallop away on the horse of 2014 to more successes and adventure.

Posted by Ozette on December 31, 2013 10:23


The coverage nationally and locally to the plight of the Rohingya largely brings no credit at all to the media - except to Phuket Wan. Let us hope you can bring your campaign to a successful conclusion in a free press in a free environment.

Posted by Alan on December 31, 2013 17:46


'The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it'

Einstein said that. Phuketwan is actually doing something about it. Business of the year today, perhaps a Nobel Prize tomorrow. . .

Posted by Treelover on January 3, 2014 13:49


The interesting part:
All this attention comes with a Reuters report.
Amazing Thailand

Posted by Anonymous on January 3, 2014 16:31

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