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Unhappiness with his work drove this Phuket worker up the pole

Phuket Worker Suffers Heightened Mondayitis

Monday, September 7, 2009
Drama in Photos: Album Above

A MAN with problems at work took an alternative commuter route today.

He climbed a large power transmission pole in central Phuket and threatened to jump.

Suchat Simalanon, 23, usually works behind a Thai Air Asia desk at Phuket International Airport.

But not today.

Monday morning, never a good time for returning to work, saw Khun Suchat scale the pole in Kho Kaew, not far from the landmark Isusu Gallery.

He went up at 7am, and called a friend via his mobile telephone. He said he was having problems at work.

Before long, a crowd had gathered. And as time passed, the crowd grew until there were about 50 people gathered on the pavement and roadway below.

Among them was his friend . . . and his boss.

Everybody was keen to see him down safely, especially the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, police, fire brigade officers, and the volunteers from the Kusoldharm Phuket Foundation.

All of them have had to deal with disasters of different kinds, but this was an unusual case.

Officials from the power company cut the electricity supply, just in case.

Locals in Moo 4 turned out to see what was causing the commotion opposite the Thai Marine Centre.

About 11am, having spoken to his friend and his boss, Khun Suchat climbed down . . . to a spontaneous outbreak of applause.

There are probably some issues that he and his boss need to resolve. But at least he was on the ground again, and safe.

A policeman suggested he should call home, so Khun Suchat contacted his mother in Nakkorn Si Thammarat.

He talked to her as he walked through the crowd. She promised to come to Phuket to help.

As he walked away, rescue workers carried off a large landing balloon that may have been used to break his fall.

It's not known what time Khun Suchat was due back on the job.

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Good outcome.
If this had happened in certain countries in the west, the crowd would have been urging him to jump.

Posted by Sir Burr on September 7, 2009 12:25

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