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Sarinporn Sa-ardlom, plucky enough to know right from wrong

Woman With Courage That Phuket Lacks

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
PHUKET: Meet Sarinporn Sa-ardlom, the tour company novice who decided she wasn't going to be intimidated by local taxi drivers and complained to Phuket police - against the advice of a passing patrol officer.

Showing the kind of backbone that appears to be mostly missing on Phuket, Khun Sarinporn, 26, stood up to the taxi drivers. For her trouble, she had a bottle and a chair slung in her direction, and was slapped across the face with a shoe by the angriest taxi driver.

It remains to be seen whether Phuket City police take action against the driver, named only as ''Ran.'' When Phuketwan visited Khun Sarinporn at the tour company offices where she works, there was an uneasy peace among the 10 drivers on the nearby taxi rank.

The incident took place near the public bus terminal in Phuket City about 12.30pm on Saturday. By chance Khun Sarinporn found herself in conversation with a couple, tourists who spoke English, just outside her office.

They wanted to know how to get to Phang Nga from Phuket and what to do there. When Khun Sarinporn told them she'd be back with a little more information and stepped into the office, the taxi driver swooped and sought to convert them as customers.

In the altercation that followed, Khun Sarinporn became the target of the taxi drivers' anger and they egged on ''Ran.''

A passing police patrol dropped by after Khun Sarinporn had been assaulted, and according to her the officers told her to forget it. Undaunted, she went to Phuket City police station to lodge a formal complaint.

''Ran'' was still there with the other taxi drivers yesterday. Khun Sarinporn told us she'd had small firecrackers tossed in her direction that morning.

Beside the taxi rank is a sign saying TOURIST INFORMATION. It usually leads unsuspecting visitors to end up paying far more for a taxi than they would for a minivan or bus at the station nearby.


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What a shining example Khun Sarinporn is to the rest of Phuket's apathetic masses. Well done, special girl.

Posted by helen on November 30, 2011 09:45


Brave woman!! Well done!
Shame on the police recommending her not to make a police report! (What kind of police is this anyway? He should receive disciplinary action!)

Please Phuketwan, please report any harassment she might be exposed to as I feel that media can help a lot that she will be fine!
If she will need to move from this area and needs another job because of this, please let the public know as well as I am sure that many people would like to help her then!

Posted by Mr. K on November 30, 2011 10:23


khun sarinporn you are shining light of hope for this cancerous island that keeps spreading.

will the governor and leaders step up?????

khun sarinporn don't back down. someone will hear about this with a back bone and will come.

@ed. i encourage you to pass this story to all thai newspapers.

Posted by john s on November 30, 2011 10:27


well done, now lets see a photo of RAN and follow up with the police and Khun Tri.

Posted by andre on November 30, 2011 10:59


Well done indeed, hope she will be safe. What a courageous act to slap a woman in the face, feel proud and strong chai mai!!?

Posted by Jean-Paul Patrick on November 30, 2011 11:03


This needs to be broadcast on TV news. Local and national televised for Thailand to see how Phuket is.

Since you are all in the media arena, any chance you can get this on TV?

Posted by Tbs on November 30, 2011 11:05



PW, do what you do best Ok!

Posted by S on November 30, 2011 11:46


A SHOE in the face? Disgraceful behavior. Well done to this woman for persevering with reporting it. I'd like to know the name of the travel agency she works for. People like her get my business.

Posted by Mr Man on November 30, 2011 12:44


Well done. How gutless to not step in a stop her being harassed. I wish i had been there.

Posted by chaseone on November 30, 2011 13:11


She is like Aung San Suu Kyi of Phuket. We need more brave people like her!

Posted by potter on November 30, 2011 13:19


Khun Sarinporn Sa-ardlom for Mayor!

Posted by Rod on November 30, 2011 13:44


Hitting a woman, for any reason, is the lowest you can go.

Would be nice if they had punishment like Singapore and give him and those involved a few lashes of the cane... by a man.

Posted by Graham on November 30, 2011 15:11


you still didn't tell us what kind of taxi we're taking about..

Posted by another steve on November 30, 2011 17:08

Editor Comment:

We don't know what brand of shoe, either.


These taxi drivers are mobsters. And the police of course tried to discourage this brave woman to make a police report. Are there no dereliction of duty laws in Thailand?

Can a citizen not sue the local government or police office for dereliction of duty?

Posted by christian on November 30, 2011 17:49


Post a photo of this Ran !!
Then can we have a little trip with him !!!!!!

Posted by karsten on November 30, 2011 18:15


Good for her! So nice to see common decency displayed in one of these unpleasant confrontations.

Posted by fw on November 30, 2011 22:39


She is like the Rosa Parks of Thailand. Hope the media follows up with this to help protect her.

Posted by Matt on December 1, 2011 00:58


I have a trip planned to Phuket in January. I have been following the Phuket Wan news for 6 or 7 months now and i'm really tempted to just go somewhere else because of all of the issues with these taxi drivers. :S

Posted by dmbeast on December 1, 2011 01:26


Great job, if others follow your path, Phuket will have a brighter outlook.

Posted by Elgrande on December 1, 2011 02:43


I wonder if the taxis have paid for a tourist license.... they do sell city tours. And do they have a licensed guide working? Still they are making problems with tour companies! And the police suggest: forget it..

Posted by Hockey on December 1, 2011 08:56

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