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Detail from Daniel Rocha Jordan's New Zealand driving licence

Phuket Tourist's Big Night Out Ends With Death in Crowded Bed

Thursday, December 29, 2011
PHUKET: The family of Daniel Rocha Jordan, 30, has been notified of his death in a guesthouse on Phuket early on December 27. It is understood that although Mr Jordan was a Brazilian citizen, he had been living in New Zealand for seven years.

Police in Patong, the Phuket west coast holiday town where Mr Jordan died, say it's believed there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

Mr Jordan's New Zealand driving licence led investigators to believe at first that he was a New Zealand citizen. With embassies in Bangkok closed except for emergencies, it was some time before Mr Jordan's nationality could be clearly established.

Phuketwan understands that although Mr Jordan is from Brazil, arrangements are being made through family in New Zealand for Mr Jordan's body to be returned there. It is not known at this stage whether an autopsy will be performed to clarify the cause of death.

Mr Jordan was travelling with two friends, not one, as originally reported. A police officer said the three were staying at the Keeta Guesthouse for just one night, the night that Mr Jordan died, but another source said his friends were still in Patong.

The friends have Mr Jordan's possessions and have been in touch with his family, says the source.

The investigating officer, Lieutenant Jakapong Lurng-On, of Kathu Police Station, which oversees Patong, said the three friends returned to their shared room at the guesthouse after first attending the Patong beach tsunami seventh anniversary commemoration.

After a night of fun in Patong, the three escorted two bar hostess back to the room. One friend had had too much to drink and passed out, Lieutenant Jakapong said, and another went onto the balcony with a hostess, with the sliding door locked behind them from the inside.

The bar hostesses are believed to have left about 3am, said Lieutenant Jakapong, leaving the three friends to sleep in the room's only bed. In the morning, two of the men woke up to find their friend dead.


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Far too many young people have died without clear evidence as to how and why. It is in the best interest of the Thai Government to spend the time and money to find the cause of each death quickly. This will avoid the possibility of a future finding that more than one death were the results of foul play. If a finding of foul play occurs though an outside agencies not by the Thai Government this could result in a shockwave through the tourist industry that would take years to correct.

Posted by mike on December 29, 2011 14:51


I guess an autopsy is out of the question, seeing as how the police have determined that: "there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death". Oh I see. A 30 year old man goes to bed with a bar hostess and is dead in the morning. Yep, sounds perfectly natural to me.

Posted by fw on December 29, 2011 15:22


Best thing is for the family to repatriate his body and have an autopsy done there. This would give a clear indicated as to the cause.

Condolences to his family. RIP.

Posted by Graham on December 29, 2011 15:55


is this what they mean by ''amazing thailand''..

sad waste of life..

Posted by james on December 29, 2011 16:27



Posted by laudrup on December 29, 2011 17:15


There are a lot of man killers out there. Anyone who goes with a bargirl in Patong is risking his life, every single time. Ask yourself, is it worth it for a few minutes of fun? Save your money and please yourself with some of the wonderful free websites available.

Posted by George on December 29, 2011 18:04

Editor Comment:

I hope you're not talking about Phuketwan in that regard, George, although we have heard that we do generate palpitations. ''Sweet Phuket, Every Day'' is still our motto.


ED any particular reason that my post on this case was not published? You're very quick to point out others mistakes , but you're rather reticent to admit to yours...Why?Also your sensationalist headlines this time..CROWDED BED???Since when does two people in bed make it CROWDED?

Posted by davidj949 on December 29, 2011 19:29

Editor Comment:

The reason is, david949, I'm not your nursemaid. Figure it out for yourself. Our reporter didn't make a mistake. He relied on the information supplied by police. As you seem to fail to understand, even the President of the USA makes mistakes now and again. Three men in a bed, one of them dead, is crowded. Grow up. Learn how to read and absorb information without help. Make that your New Year resolution, please.



Posted by davidj949 on December 29, 2011 20:35

Editor Comment:

Happy New Year to you too, davidj949. Hope you find an online news service you can relate to.


"I hope you're not talking about Phuketwan in that regard"

fell of my chair.

Ok. Sad story it is. RIP Mr. Jordan.
But that must have been the mother of all hangovers for his pals.
And really, something fishy here? Two prostitutes, three lads, one room, nothing stolen? Foul play by the whores? How and why?

Posted by Lena on December 30, 2011 06:36

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