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An injured passenger is treated before being taken to Patong Hospital

Phuket Runaway Bus Crash on Patong Hill: One Dead, Nine Injured

Friday, March 15, 2013

MOTORISTS attempting to get up and over Patong Hill faced more delays just before 2pm when a bus ascending the hill from the Phuket City side broke down opposite the Patong City sign.

Original Report

PHUKET: One person is dead and nine are being treated for injuries after a Phuket bus lost its brakes and smashed into motorcycles and other vehicles as it descended Patong Hill out of control today.

The dead man is a motorcycle taxi driver, killed when the bus hit him. Rescue workers used cutting equipment to free the bus driver, trapped in his cabin.

The injured are being treated at Patong Hospital where doctors are assessing the damage caused by the out-of-control bus about 8am.

Many people were on the roads for Phuket's peak hour, with people trying to get out of the way and screaming as the bus ripped past the Patong temple intersection to crash in Phisit Koranee Road.

Traffic was delayed as a crowd gathered to watch paramedics treat the injured before they were carried away in ambulances.

Spectacular crashes - mostly involved runaway buses - have been a frequent event at the landmark junction in front of Wat Suwankiriwong.


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Patong Hill needs a Run Away Truck Ramp as much as the new tunnel.

For those who don't know, A run away ramp is built along side the hazard areas and filled with gravel to let a Bus or Truck come to a stop by sinking in the gravel.

Posted by john on March 15, 2013 09:31


And how long until a run away ramp would have a jeep rental operation and a food vendors cart packed into it.. With rent paid on the sly to the or bor tor.

Posted by LivinLOS on March 15, 2013 10:24


The drain or the crash barrier next to the road might have served as emergency brake.

Posted by Fritz Pinguin on March 15, 2013 10:31


Right Fritz, there is not room for a proper 'run away' but the driver should have used that ditch instead of plowing over those motorbikes. Easy to be an armchair quarterback now. RIP and quick recovery to those injured.

Posted by Jon on March 15, 2013 11:17


all this talk of a ramp or run off isn't going to help for so many stated reasons, the true solution (but won't happen) is to have vehicle checks, vehicle standards similar to M.O.T.'s as every day there are one or more broken down bus's on Patong hill and regular extreme incidents similar to what has just happened! Another black mark on Patong/Phuket and will continue to happen i'm afraid

Posted by Anonymous on March 15, 2013 12:52


They have to ban large vehicles from using the hillroad from peak hours from 08.00 - 21.00 hrs.

Construction vehicles and large coaches can only use the road after peak hours.

Guests who need to be transported can be transferred using vans and cars and ferried to the other side where the buses can then continue on their journey.

Posted by May on March 15, 2013 14:53


Only one comment makes sense, and that is the comment from anonymous : Check the vehicles on a regular base, and make it safer for the quests. Talking about buses, since 12 march, the new bus route from the airport to many destinations should be up and running. Any updates about this?

Posted by Charles on March 15, 2013 19:19


Tropical island, ah ah , week more and i leave phuket after 20 years, i dont want think about next year what will happane to phuket, bye bye

Posted by angelo on March 15, 2013 21:00


All bus in phuket should have an emergency brake, when normal ones is not working, it can stop a bus on a resonable distance.
But i think, unfortunaly, bus break accident happens in all countrys.

Posted by Anonymous on March 15, 2013 22:13


It is amazing how many brake failures there are here. Buses and trucks have air brakes, the air forces the brake of the disc, if the brake then fails the they automatically deploy, basically they are going too fast and get brake fade.

Posted by stuart on March 16, 2013 12:28


just heard from a friend that works at patong hospital... death count is much bigger than reported. can you find out the real death toll ?

Posted by john on March 18, 2013 18:52

Editor Comment:

Just one death, john. Reports that there were more are untrue rumors.


Also hear the rumors about many more then 1 dead from people who passed the accident, I hope it is the truth about only 1.

Posted by Swedfarang on March 19, 2013 15:55

Editor Comment:

The hospital staff say there was one fatality and there is no reason to lie. It's a rumor.

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