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Phuket Resort Rapist Admitted His Guilt to Phuket Judge

Monday, May 21, 2012
PHUKET: A receptionist at a four-star resort on Phuket who admitted to raping a guest last week is in jail and has not requested bail, officials at Phuket Prison confirmed today.

Sakchai Tongsidam, aged 19, and a married father of two young children, at first repeatedly denied his guilt when interviewed by Phuket police.

But when asked a series of questions by a judge at Phuket Provincial Court on Friday, Khun Sakchai admitted raping the guest, a 20-year-old tourist from Germany.

False reports that the man has not confessed have confused and mystified the victim, her family in Germany, and her friends on Phuket.

In Phuket Provincial Court on Friday, the following conversation ensued between the judge and Khun Sakchai:

Judge: Did you do this, as the victim said?

Khun Sakchai (tearfully): Yes.

Judge: So you had sex with her?

Khun Sakchai: It wasn't quite like full sex. It was only for five minutes.

Judge: Did she agree with you to have sex?

Khun Sakchai: No

Judge: Do you need any help? Do you have a lawyer?

Khun Sakchai No

The admission by Khun Sakchai almost certainly ensures his conviction. He has not applied for bail and will appear before a judge every 12 days until a trial date is set.

A family friend of the victim said today that she was recovering, but slowly.

Her intention is to fly home to Germany, rather than head on to Australia as she originally planned. Her Irish travelling companion is also heading home.


Comments have been disabled for this article.


I wish we could know more details- essentially, was she bruised in any way, or was she passed out - as honestly it sounds like he is admitting to something other than something that he considers wrong.
Treating genital assault details of a crime as hush-hush really does nothing to help victims and is more about not confronting the male attitudes that foster "rape."

Posted by Media Watcher on May 21, 2012 18:38

Editor Comment:

Your attitude seems to change every time, Media Watcher. Sorry, we've said all we are going to say.


Media Watcher, you are one very sick person, also these details are only to be discussed in the court room, besides he admits to having sex he also admits she did not consent...RAPE. I do not know your country of origin, but in my country, Australia, these details would never, I repeat NEVER, be made public, how do you think it would help the victim.

Posted by Laurie Howells on May 21, 2012 21:31


"...does nothing to help victims..." yeah, you would like to see the forensic photos yourself so you expert the case for the judges. Media Watcher, you are creepy. Go to court yourself for your much needed details.

Posted by Lena on May 22, 2012 01:52


My attitude is constant, and it is that treating rape as something shameful does the victim no good. In fact one can argue that sexual assaults are fostered by these hush hush attitudes that encourage women to not report assaults. I merely suggest the alleged rapist seems to think he did nothing wrong, so did he, or not, as the "confession" sounds suspect.

Posted by Media Watcher on May 22, 2012 08:31

Editor Comment:

The court will decide that, Media Watcher, and your rationale for knowing the details is questionable. In an earlier article we said as much as we thought essential. Perhaps you should read it. Your critics have. Most thinking people would focus on the real concerns that article raised.


Media Watcher your comments very distasteful and mark you out as a sexual preditor. People should give you a wide berth. You are a pervert. The article gives more than enough information. For what it's worth, rape has nothing to do with sex . . . it is a crime of power manifestation. Media Watcher, I think the media should be watching you. You could be our next headline?

Posted by DunB on May 22, 2012 12:56

Editor Comment:

Preditor? Just what are you inferring, DunB?

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