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Inside the Sarapanpleng pub, scene of a deadly stabbing in June 2013

Phuket Pub Killing: Policeman Surrenders, Says Bullet Wasn't Intended for Woman's Head

Monday, May 19, 2014
PHUKET: A policeman who shot dead an innocent woman outside a Phuket pub on Friday has surrendered and is awaiting a homicide charge.

The officer, who has not been named, was firing at the pub not the woman as he drove past in a pickup, according to a station superintendent.

Nuchsika Krasik, 35, who had strolled from the restaurant where she worked as a waitress to the Sarapanpleng pub in Patak Road, Chalong, to visit a friend, was killed instantly when the bullet struck her in the head.

Chalong Police Superintendent Colonel Krittipas Detintharasorn said the policeman had been drinking at the pub and got into an argument. He left the pub about 4am, got into his pickup, and drove briefly towards Karon before doing a u-turn to come back past the pub to fire a shot.

The policeman was from the Prevention and Protection drug unit based at Police headquarters in Phuket City.

''We have not decided yet whether the charge should be attempted murder or murder,'' Colonel Krittipas said. He did not reveal the name of the officer or whether he was being held in custody after surrendering at 3pm on Saturday.

The pub, however, has been closed, the colonel said. The Sarapanpleng pub is notorious and has a history of incidents involving shootings and at least one other killing.


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So a Policeman is drinking after hours, driving a vehicle intoxicated and also shooting a gun randomly at a building.

But they are going to charge him for either attempted murder or murder. Hmmmm indeed.

Posted by Tbs on May 19, 2014 11:07


The policeman goes on a rampage.. Shoot someone.. and "The pub, however, has been closed" !!

Thai logic 101.. Cant be the persons fault if someone made them angry, your not expected to be able to control emotions.

Posted by LivinLOS on May 19, 2014 11:25


This is at least the third time a Phuket policeman has shot and killed someone while off duty in the last several months.

Posted by NomadJoe on May 19, 2014 12:16


Close Karaoke and bars at the right time is a good chance to reduce these kind of problems. And also not allowed police or their family to run public entertainment revenue an other good goal..

Posted by dave on May 19, 2014 12:37


To serve and protect!

Posted by angelo on May 19, 2014 12:39


Words fail me, and this is a Policeman who done this..... ???

So much for Law and Order...

Posted by robert on May 19, 2014 12:48


Was thinking the same, NomadJoe. One because of a noisy neighbor. One shot his girlfriend in a pub. And now this.
A while back there was a policeman who shot his wife in a tailor shop in Karon.
Nothing good ever comes from having guns around.

Posted by Tinkerbell on May 19, 2014 13:22


Single shot - in the head - fatal one - executed under revenge mood (turning back to the pub) - oh yeah, this shot has been made in good faith, there was no intention to harm anyone, and it a pub should be blamed that it in provocative easy made the officer angry, so it is just an accident; you can not blames the officer if was the pub that made him angry.

I'm curious whom the officer had a conflict with in the pub, whether the victim was involved..

Posted by Sue on May 19, 2014 13:24


Whilst I am sure everyone appreciates that not all police are like this, with the number of drunken police shootings carried our recently compared with the number of actual officers, this is a disgrace.

No wonder there is no respect for the RTP in Phuket.


Posted by Amazing Thailand on May 19, 2014 13:28


This is one of several recent occasions where an off duty policeman has shot someone under the influence of alcohol in the small hours of the morning.

1/. There was talk of ALL entertainment venues being forced to close at 1 a.m. Should this not include all these Thai drinking dens where so much trouble occurs?

2/. As I suggested at one of the previous very similar cases, policeman should be made to sign in their guns at the police station when going off duty. They seem to have a lack of control under the influence that makes them dangerous to the public to be carrying.

3/. How can this be anything else but premeditated murder or at very least manslaughter? He left & returned to fire the shot - with remarkable accuracy!

Posted by Logic on May 19, 2014 14:59


Logic, I totally agree, however on point 2, there is one problem, unlike Australia, where the police sign out then sign in their weapons (owned by the police department) for each shift here the guns are bought, therefore owned, by the police officers, which makes it hard to take the guns away. I can hear it now, coming from the Police commander, it is their gun, they are entitled to have it... poor excuse. By the way, I lost your email, what story did you publish it in...are you still away from Pooget.

Posted by Laurie Howells on May 19, 2014 17:36


I have come across drunk police carrying a gun many times, it is frightening.

Posted by coxo on May 19, 2014 18:14



Locking the guns at the station when not on duty is an excellent suggestion - the RTP should start immediately, even if the guns are privately owned.

As for closing Thai drinking dens at the correct time - not in our lifetime I would think - surely you know by now all problems are caused by foreigners.... (and a lot of after hours joints are allegedly owned by the police!)

Posted by Amazing Thailand on May 19, 2014 18:20


What qualifications are needed for someone to become a "policeman"?

Posted by Smithy on May 19, 2014 21:06


Prevention and Protection, you read it here first.

Posted by geoff on May 19, 2014 22:10


By 3 pm the next day, the hangover ended and reality set in for the officer. Police work is a profession, and it comes with the caveat/assumption that a professional should act accordingly OUTSIDE working hours (too). That implies a wage commiserate with their duties. That's just the thin edge of the problematic wedge though, after corruption, graft, nepotism, preferential treatment, best practice police training and politics are taken care of.

Posted by farang888 on May 19, 2014 23:15


As a kid I used a slingshot and aimed it at a robin, from 30 meters. Unfortunately,it hit the bird in the head and killed it instantly. Be careful what you ask for, sometimes you get it. If he is telling the truth, random bullet or not, latent INTENT to harm is clear as glass. He can't use anger as an extenuating circumstance,because anger is a SECONDARY emotion. He got angry because he was embarrassed, ridiculed, or whatever, but he lost face, and that is a lame ( and slippery-sloped ) defense/excuse for murder.

Posted by farang888 on May 19, 2014 23:50

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