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A monk prays for the spirit of a boy, sixth child to drown at a Phuket pond

Phuket Precautions at Deadly Pond Aimed at Saving Children's Lives

Sunday, April 5, 2015
PHUKET: A week on from the drowning of a nine-year-old boy, the sixth death of a child at Phuket's Nai Harn pond in five years, picknicking families will today find warning signs and protective buoys in place.

The action by local authorities came too late for the mother of Saran Srisongkram, whose lifeless body was pulled from the sluice between the lake and the seaside pond last weekend.

Yesterday she visited the scene with monks to bless her son's spirit.

The boy's life support was turned off at Vachira Phuket Hospital in Phuket City where doctors persuaded his family that he was not going to survive.

Children at the section of Nai Harn beach require constant adult supervision and the local Rawai council has undertaken to provide a lifeguard at times when holidaying families are most likely to be there.

New signs have been erected that warn of the dangers in three languages.

The lifeguards at Phuket's beaches guard the sands but not this corner of Nai Harn.

In any case, all 13 of Phuket's most popular tourist beaches are unguarded because of a dispute that arises almost every year when the lifeguards' role is put out to tender by the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organisation.

Managers at the Phuket Lifeguard Service say an agreement is likely to take several weeks yet, possibly leaving Phuket's beaches unguarded during the onset of the monsoon season, the most dangerous time of the year.


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I do not understand why they are not using professional translators when spending money on this kind of signboards.

The English is extremely poor

The Chinese is even worse. Not any single Chinese will understand anything what is written.

Posted by Mj on April 5, 2015 10:02


I am a bit confused to read that the beach guards were ( they are gone now) only guarding the sands but not this corner of Naiharn beach. Why was that? At this corner of the beach more people ( children) died than at the 'sands'. It makes me asking myself why at Naiharn beach a lot of beach guards clustering together in groups in their shadowed places more north, from were they not have a safety overview, instead of spreading themselves over the whole beach?

Posted by Kurt on April 5, 2015 12:07

Editor Comment:

These deaths occur around the channel - the sluice gate - leading from the lagoon to the seaside pond. That's not the beach. It has been argued and agreed in the past that local authorities are in charge of safety around the pond and the lagoon. They have proven themselves inept. Children continue to die. The lifeguards are stretched thinly enough as it is by penny-pinching bureaucrats. But they do save lives . . . on the beaches. I hope your confusion is at an end, Kurt. Of course, a private donation from you or any other private enterprise looking to save lives would station a lifeguard at the pond for about 15,000 baht a month.


Sorry mr Editor. Phuket island is rich, Obor Tor Rawai & Naiharn earn a lot of legal money due to tourisme. The incompetence of thai administration bodies who refuse to anticipate on end of life guard presence ( not starting negotiations about beach guards 3 months ago)in oder to have a continues beach guards present. Beach cleaning, beach guardianse is a thai government job! They should pay as they earn their money through the beaches. I refuse to believe that local Obor Tor not has a monthly 15,000thb to save mostly thai childrens life..

Posted by Kurt on April 5, 2015 13:09


@ Kurt. Exactly my thoughts. The local authorities show little concern for the public interest.

Posted by Kaen Phet on April 5, 2015 15:47


@ Kaen Phet. Yes, you put it rather mildly. The sluice between Naiharn lake and the Naiharn pond is a very dangerous location. With every change of the tide very strong currents go through the sluice. To me it is unbelievable that local authorities never made steel roster frames at both sides so that people can not be sucked into the sluice. And they still not do that! Now a rope with red balls, is not enough to keep young children safe, as currents with full and new moon periods are very strong.

Posted by Kurt on April 6, 2015 08:26


I have been visiting Thailand now for 8yrs, 3 trips per year, I think its time to teach children to swim in schools, I hope to one day live in Thailand and tech Kids to swim with my wife I have seen some drowning's myself and it is preventable with just learning simple survival skills.

Posted by Garry P on April 8, 2015 06:20

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