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A Phuket police officer inspects the haul from the ATM skimmer suspects

Phuket Police Warn of Other ATM Skimmer Gangs: Norway Group Had 700,000 Baht in Cash

Saturday, May 3, 2014
PHUKET: Five men accused of skimming from ATMs on Phuket were regular visitors and had 700,000 baht in cash when arrested yesterday, police told a media conference.

The group from Norway, the Netherlands and India were frequent visitors to Phuket - they stayed for a week at the end of last year, another week in March, and arrived back on Phuket on April 28 for their third visit.

''A local in Karon saw them spending a lot of time around an ATM machine and became suspicious enough to contact police,'' a senior officer told the media yesterday.

When police arrested the five men, a total of 700,000 baht in cash was found.

''We believe they may have a connection with other groups who travel frequently to other tourist destinations in Thailand,'' the police officer said.

Karon police have named those arrested as Vinothan Thiy Agarasa, 29, Netherlands, Gnanapooranan Ratnasabapathy,51, Norway, Hussain Qasim, 31, Norway,Qaiser Abbas Shah, 20, Norway and Nesaruban Arunachalam, 28, from India.

The group arrived on Phuket on April 28 and allowed the resort where they were staying to hold their passports, promising they would return two or three days later with enough cash to pay for their rooms.

Officers warned resort managers to be suspicious of others who asked to make that kind of arrangement.

Three of the men are understood to have confessed with the other two denying their guilt.


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Hopefully they'll get the book thrown at them. Spending a few miserable years in a Thai prison might inspire them to find a new career.

Posted by Arun Muruga on May 3, 2014 09:40


Gnanapooranan Ratnasabapathy, Hussain Qasim and Abbas Shah.
Much Norwegian. Such Nordic. Many herring.

Posted by Jonny on May 3, 2014 12:37


Not norway or netherland people!

Posted by angelo on May 3, 2014 12:56


'Jonny' and 'angelo', if they have Norwegian respectively Netherland passports they are citizens of these countries unless the passports are fake of course.

Posted by OJ on May 3, 2014 17:00


Could they be asylum seekers who were granted citizenship later? If so, does not say much for the screening of asylum seekers in Europe

Posted by Guenter Bellach on May 3, 2014 20:21


Doubt be many resort owners on Phuket particularly the 3 stars an less variety with cold cash dangled before them would say oh oh this looks suspect I will report it, they must be criminals of the dumber type there thieves living high on the hog from the proceeds & attract attention to themselves with hold a passport for cash later deal maybe the passports are dodgy too they then spend a inordinate time at atms and wonder why they were caught.

Posted by slickmelb on May 4, 2014 04:30


You can't trust a norwegian these days. The scandinavian countrys let the xxxxx get passports and citizenship and then they start to make crimes everywhere

Posted by jj on May 4, 2014 16:24

Editor Comment:

Better a few petty criminals than racists and bigots, jj. They're the real villains, everywhere.

Saturday July 27, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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