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Outnumbered, the two Frenchmen and investigating officers

Phuket Police Offered Bribe: Two Frenchmen Held for ATM Fraud

Friday, February 21, 2014
PHUKET: Police on Phuket are holding two Frenchmen for alleged credit card fraud and an attempt to bribe police. One man has a passport but no visa, the other has no passport, say officers.

The man who has the passport, Karim Akrour, 36, was arrested by officers on February 19 when he and another man appeared to be acting suspiciously at an ATM near Baan Yin Dee Resort at Tritrang beach, south of Patong.

The pair tried to escape on a motorcycle when confronted about 11pm. Akrour was arrested soon after and his unnamed companion was held the next day.

One of the men claimed his companion had offered him 10,000 baht to give him a ride on a hired motorcycle to the nearest ATM.

Police say that after being arrested, Akrour offered police 5500 euros to drop charges. Officers told him that he should get his friend to bring the money.

But when he brought the money, the second man was also arrested. Investigations are continuing.


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Smart work by the local cops on this one..good job!

Posted by Andre on February 21, 2014 19:36


These so called "frenchmen" are the new scourge of Phuket. The scams they run are hand in hand with scams back in France. Most are here demonstrated here, and receive benefits from France in a scam that allows them to collect from ATMs here in Thailand. Just take a look at Ppatongs Nanai Rd Soi 8....i would like to see the police check everyone there?
The French counsel M.DeCrissy is aware of this scam yet is powerless to act??

Posted by Tom on February 22, 2014 07:33

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