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Wanted for making bombs, Patong go go bar guard Arehama Maamanseng

Phuket Police Nab Patong Bar Guard as 'Wanted Deep South Bomb Maker'

Sunday, September 23, 2012
PHUKET: A man who was working on Phuket as a security guard at a Patong go go bar has been arrested and accused of being a member of a Deep South bomb-making cell.

Arehama Maamanseng, 29, had been wanted on an arrest warrant since February 23. Police believe he was part of a terrorist group of as many as 10 people.

Police arrested Arehama in a raid on a Tungthong apartment at 10pm on Friday. No weapons were found.

It is believed Khun Arehama had been working as a guard at the unnamed go go bar in Patong's Soi Bangla for at least two months.

Khun Arehama was taken to Bangkok for further questioning, said Colonel Kaithong Janchongbai of Tungthong Police Station.

Bars and other venues on Phuket are likely to be warned to improve their checks on employees or face tighter action from police.


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In developed nations being employed as a security guard of any kind requires background checks, some extensive, and certainly no criminal record.

From this and several past news items, one can conclude no background checks of any kind are made before hiring someone.

Some security that gives us.

Posted by Andrew on September 23, 2012 20:14


Andrew, they check backgrounds/passport/workpermit/taxrecord and all of that in 6-fold for most anything. Only if you are Farang of course, but those are the ones this developed country expects to be the bad guys.

Posted by Peter on September 24, 2012 13:49


As far as i know was he working as a TOUT on ski bangle bringing customers to Ping pong shows... not as a security guy at one of them... different...

Posted by frog on September 24, 2012 13:56

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