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Phuket TV Murder: 'Other Woman' Under Arrest, Hunt for Fourth Man

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
PHUKET: Police have arrested a woman over the shooting murder of Supattra Namfach as she watched television in her home at Kathu in central Phuket on Saturday.

The woman was arrested in Thalang by one group of officers as a second group were on their way to Koh Yao, off Phuket's east coast, to arrest a man.

Police believe the woman ordered the killing and the man found the shooter who carried out the murder.

Three men have already been arrested. Sawit Jongrak, 28, allegedly fired at Khun Supattra, hitting her in the head. Aroon Patan, 28, and Sanawg Punerng, 26, are accused of being accomplices.

The three men were in a pickup stopped by police at Tachatchai checkpoint, on the main road leading off Phuket, minutes after the shooting. Khun Supattra, 55, died soon after in hospital.

Investigators have yet to determine the motive for the shooting, for which the men were allegedly paid a 40,000 baht deposit on a fee of 80,000 baht.

A British man is believed to have been friendly with both women.


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Your last sentence is factual, but??? Was it really necessary?

Posted by GiantFan on June 12, 2012 16:33

Editor Comment:

There always has to be a last sentence, GiantFan. At present it's the only known fact connecting the two women.


Hi GiantFan, Hi Editor,

no way GiantFan, Editor has always the last word... When will we be able to note + or - your comments Editor ? (not only recommend on face book, twitter, or goggle) just able to note your answers !!! (you'll be surprised...come on You can do It)

Posted by egres on June 12, 2012 20:03

Editor Comment:

No idea what you are talking about, egres. Does that mean we have something in common?


Just read that money might have been involved. Old GF not happy with new GF getting cash. I'm sure it will all come out shortly.

Posted by GiantFan on June 13, 2012 09:36


As I read, even Millions of Baht involved!
What surprises me, is the age of the women involved.
Late 40is and Mid 50is!
Usualy you have the older guy who falls for the much younger women and gets robbed of his assests.
The story shows, that greed can have a negative influence in any age!

Posted by Alfred on June 13, 2012 11:50


What striked me in this case, is the amount of cash needed to get a (comically but deadly) killer team to really kill someone. Life is still so cheap?

Posted by Lena on June 13, 2012 16:21


Just read in a local newspaper more details about the case. Best friend in the arms of your BF. It's happened to me in the past (the other way around) and it sucks.

Posted by GiantFan on June 16, 2012 16:32

Editor Comment:

Notice the tabloids don't have the latest on the drowning or the ''I lied'' rape case. As usual great coverage of stale news.

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