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Shwe Oo Dam, 24, arrested over the murder of a French tourist

Phuket Murder of Frenchman at Resort: One Burmese Arrested, Second Hunted

Saturday, April 26, 2014
PHUKET: Police on Phuket today arrested a Burmese construction worker and are hunting a second man over the brutal murder and robbery of a Frenchman earlier this month.

Fabrice Boigeol, 37,was battered to death in the 'Hi 5' villa at the Morakot Resort in the southern Phuket district of Rawai on April 18.

Police from Chalong arrested Shwe Oo Dam, 24, at the Phanason construction site in Vichit, south of Phuket City, today.

He told officers that he and another Burmese entered the villa intending to rob Mr Boigeol and battered him to death using a piece of wood and a rock.

The Frenchman had been asleep on his bed when the pair broke into the villa.

Earlier, the pair had tried to break in to a shop at Chalong temple, without success. The second man, Maung Myo, 23, is now being pursued.

Shwe Oo Dam had previously been nabbed by police on April 1 over a drugs case. It's believed the men stole a laptop from the villa after killing Mr Boigeol.

A media conference about the case is scheduled for tomorrow at Phuket City Police headquarters.


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Must be involved in drugs go in to a premises to do a aggravated burglary (not a nice thing to plan or commit) and leave a murderer, death penalty is not out of the question.

Posted by slickmelb on April 26, 2014 19:34


Why he have to show his zanex sleepingpills.
Or was this his drug case ?

Posted by stein on April 26, 2014 22:18

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