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American murder victim Dashawn Longfellow in uniform

Phuket Murder Family Frustrated by Accused's Extradition Delay

Monday, October 15, 2012
PHUKET: More than two years on from one of Phuket's most shocking murders, the family of ambushed stabbing victim Dashawn Longfellow continues to plead for justice.

Their entreaties are as strong now as in the days after the cowardly killing of the 22-year-old former US Marine on Phuket on August 14, 2010.

British citizen Lee Aldhouse, then 27, fled Phuket immediately after Longfellow's body was found.

Aldhouse, nicknamed ''Pitbull,'' was arrested when he arrived back in Britain soon after. Lawyers have since been resisting moves to extradite him back to Thailand to face trial on Phuket for murder.

British Home Secretary Theresa May approved the precedent-setting extradition of Aldhouse in December, but two judges subsequently allowed him an appeal to Britain's High Court.

On the other side of the Atlantic, Longfellow's family and friends still wait for news, growing more anxious as weeks and months pass.

Earlier this year, more than 500 of them signed an online petition asking the High Court to expedite the extradition: ''He took a life and should of (sic) thought of that before killing Dashawn.''

Aldhouse allegedly picked a fight with Longfellow at the Freedom Bar in Rawai, southern Phuket. When he lost the fight, he allegedly avenged defeat in the brawl by ambushing Longfellow and stabbing him to death.

Among the pieces of evidence is footage from a security camera at a nearby 7-Eleven store showing a man who looks like Aldhouse grabbing two knives, and leaving in a hurry.

Friends and family of Longfellow continue their pleas on an online tribute site to their dead son, brother and friend.

''It is time for Lee to pay for the hero he took from us,'' wrote Dashawn's brother, Marquis, earlier this month.

He added yesterday: ''If anyone has any info about the progress of this expediction (sic) of Lee please let us know I am going crazy waiting. It is time for our family to have JUSTICE for our FALLEN HERO DASHAWN.''

If for some reason the British High Court rejects the application for extradition to Thailand, Longfellow's family is expected to seek the help of the US Government to explore other options.


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Unfortunately the British justice system has so many built in delays these days (not to mention when it hits the Euro Court)- look at the case of Abu Hamza- all ready to be put on a plane to the US but yet again a delay after years of being held on remand. Given the choice of the cushy hotel prisons in the UK compared to Thailand or the US it's no wonder those awaiting trial in other countries pull every trick their lawyers (and I'll reserve comment on them!!) can think of to protect their clients 'rights'. Hopefully at some point Aldhouse will be back here to face trial in a courtroom.

Posted by Mister Ree on October 15, 2012 15:15


Why was THIS murder "most shocking"? Because the victim was a soldier? Sorry, for me every single murder is shocking.

Apart from that I would loose my faith in the rule of law if the murderer would be extradited to Thailand.

I want to see an american court that extradites american citizens to a country that has a justice system like Thailand.

Posted by Martin on October 15, 2012 22:04

Editor Comment:

The report says this case was ''one of Phuket's most shocking murders,'' not the ''most shocking.'' Indeed, all murders are shocking.


May justice be served!

Posted by Greg on October 16, 2012 00:44


i heared about this story. this is sad, this guy was young and didn t deserve that. but the murderer will never be extradite in thailand, he's in jail right now, he will never do something like this again. (for 20 years)

Posted by walid on October 22, 2012 00:40

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