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Samanya Yanpanya, who has the Facebook identity of 'Pinnee Smile'

Phuket Mother Fears Facebook Stalker May Have Her Daughter, Aged 12

Thursday, December 8, 2011
PHUKET: A Phuket mother fears her 12-year-old daughter may have become victim of a Facebook stalker.

Samruy Santaweesook, 43, went to the Phuket Media Club today to seek help after informing Phuket City police that her daughter Samanya Yanpanya had not been seen since December 6.

''She went to the local Internet shop on that day,'' the girl's mother said. The parents have split and young Samanya was living with her grandmother and grandfather.

The girl told them she was going to do her homework at the local Internet shop.

However, Samanya has 295 friends on Facebook under her online identity as 'Pinnee Smile' and often chatted to friends instead of doing her homework, Khun Samruy said.

''I am so concerned for my daughter,'' she said. ''If anyone out there knows anything, please contact the police.''


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I hope the kid is found safe.

Posted by Anonymous on December 9, 2011 09:17


I thought kids were not allowed to open FaceBook profiles? Parents should exercise more control and caring over their kids.

Posted by Robin on December 9, 2011 13:37


Strange thoughts, if the person is ugly then they are a stalker, but, if they are good looking then they are a secret admirer?

Posted by Robin on December 9, 2011 23:26



I can't see any references in the article to anybody being ugly? Are you just sitting around speculating?

Otherwise, this is a prime example of poor parenting. She knew her daughter was chatting online rather than doing her homework. And what did she do with that knowledge?

Posted by christian on December 10, 2011 11:11


Dear Khun Samruy,

I hope you will be able to find her soon..

Posted by Ziaky on December 10, 2011 19:36

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