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Phuket Mercedes Dealer Found Hanged

Phuket Mercedes Dealer Found Hanged

Saturday, May 2, 2009
AN apparently wealthy Phuket businessman has been found hanged close to a northern beach in what police believe is a suicide.

Man Suksawee, aged 49, owned the Mercedes dealership in Thepkasattri Road, Phuket City.

His body was found at 10am today, hanging from a rope on a tree at Mai Khao beach, near Mai Khao temple. His own Mercedes vehicle was parked not far away.

Police have been in contact with his family in Songkla, where Khun Man came from.

Officers have established that Khun Man bought a length of rope from a shop in Thalang.

Khun Man's body is in Thalang Hospital awaiting the arrival of relatives.

There were no signs of a struggle at the Mai Khao scene.

The Mercedes is at Thalang police station, being held and checked for evidence.

No note has been found. Immediate speculation was that he may have had financial concerns, although sales of Mercedes on the island were believed to be quite strong.

He had other business interests and police are not discounting other motives.


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