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Born as two baby elephants left Phuket, Saifon's timing was perfect

Phuket Greets Newborn Baby Elephant, Saifon

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
PHUKET: Win some, lose some. With two young baby elephants confiscated last night by officials concerned about their family trees, Phuket welcomed a newborn today whose mother was plain for all to see.

Saifon (raining) emerged at 1.49am at the Kinaree camp in Rawai, southern Phuket, weighing in at 75 kilos and appearing to be healthy.

Mother Keawata, aged 10, had been in labor since 9pm the previous evening after a hefty 21-month pregnancy.

Rain was falling on Phuket last night, which accounts for the baby's name.

The birth of the young female brought the tally of elephants at the camp to 20. It was the second birth at Kinaree in the space of three years, with Pimai born on January 4 2009.

Phuket has more than 180 elephants, mostly engaged in tourist activities, but few of them are Phuket born and bred.

Father Tongpoon had tried to be a dad with two other elephants but it was the charms of Keawata that did the trick.

The birth came with remarkable timing. Just the previous evening, officials had taken possession of two your elephants, Popeye and Joey, amid concerns that they may have been smuggled to Phuket after their mothers were killed in national parks.


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and is it ok to be exposed at 2 days old to a bunch of humans touching it? geez.

Posted by Vfaye on February 28, 2012 15:32


Good luck, so there still is a young elephant, to entertain in tourist-areas in the night!

Posted by nobaht on February 28, 2012 15:48

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