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Testing underway at one of the young peoples' clubs last night

Phuket City Drugs Probe Ends When Club Patrons Are Tipped Off

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
PHUKET: A large team of officials intending to investigate as many as 20 young peoples' clubs last night in Phuket City were forced to give up at the third club when all the customers vanished.

The 50-person team, made up of Phuket Governor's volunteers, Customs officers and Public Health officials, targetted clubs where young people gather and sometimes smoke hookah pipes.

Two people tested positive during urine sampling at one club while at the second, Customs officials confiscated tobacco and hookahs when it appeared no import duty had been paid.

The team abandoned the night's activities when they arrived at the third club, only to find there were no customers.


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Hilarious. And they confiscated a hookhar ? I feel so much safer. Why 'target' clubs with hookhars anyway ? Is that where the meth heads hang out ? ... and then some pun about prostitutes.

Posted by James on March 28, 2012 13:44

Saturday December 28, 2024
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