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A large number of officials were involved in today's demolition Mark II

Phuket Beaches Will Be Cleared of Illegal Businesses, says Phuket Governor

Friday, November 18, 2011

Phuket Governor Tri Augkaradacha said today that ''every beach on Phuket'' will be cleared of illegal businesses. He was speaking after an early morning raid on Karon beach restaurants. ''Phuket relies on its natural beauty to sustain tourism and the beaches are the key to tourism,'' he said.

Original Report

PHUKET: Phuket's governor and Phuket's police commander oversaw an early morning raid today to remove freshly-erected restaurants from in front of a five-star resort on Karon beach.

About 100 officials, including police, volunteers and the Mayor of Karon, took part in the demolition action about 7am.

Targets of the manoeuvre were beach restaurants that had been reerected on the sand in front of the Centara Grand on Karon beach since the first demolition of the restaurants in a predawn raid on September 18.

Today Phuket's senior authorities, Phuket Governor Tri Augkaradacha and Phuket Police Commander Major General Pekad Tantipong, led the destruction of the restaurants.

Illegal restaurants have encroached on many Phuket beaches but the authorities have concentrated on the ones on the beach at Karon, although Governor Tri told a Phuketwan reporter on the beach in September that similar action will follow at Bang Tao and Surin.

The three brothers who run the Karon restaurants, Daeng, Lek and Dam Pongkratin, cried ''unfair'' when their restaurants were demolished in September and asked why other beaches still have restaurants on them.

The brothers say the first restaurant opened on the beach more than two decades ago. The 262-room Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket is celebrating its first anniversary this week.

A grader-excavator appeared on the beach last night, local residents said. Beach massage tents were also removed.

Action from the first beach demolition can be found in the Phuketwan link below with video at:


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If only authorities could have the same conviction with tuk tuks and jet skis, that would be great.

Posted by Jean-Paul Patrick on November 18, 2011 10:25


Funny how there have been two raids in this area but other encroachments are allowed to continue elsewhere on the island. I noticed a vehicle driving around Patong the other day advertising a hotel (which I guess will have to remain nameless) with a private beach. Interestingly this hotel is located slap bang in the middle of Patong beach, which is supposedly open to the public.

Posted by Mister ree on November 18, 2011 12:27


Tomorrow on which beaches Phuket's senior authorities, Phuket Governor Tri Augkaradacha and Phuket Police Commander Major General Pekad Tantipong will crack down on illegal businesses ?

Posted by Whistle-Blower on November 18, 2011 12:32



Posted by logbags on November 18, 2011 12:33

Editor Comment:

You appear not to have noticed, logbags, that we are journalists, not vigilantes. When the authorities take action, we will report it. Until then, your comments and other comments targetting specific businesses - while remaining nameless yourself - are highly defamatory.

For hypocrisy, try the mirror.


Too much too late. Good to have clean and clear beaches, but tourists really do like to eat and have drinks on the beaches, not just at sunset either.
You better start cleaning up at Bang Tao, Surin, Layan, Nai Yang, Mak Kao etc. Then all the tourists will stay away from ex-paradiso, phukey.

Posted by Robin on November 18, 2011 13:13


Do you know if this means the illegal deck chair operators will be gone, too? That's the one thing that gets to me, why can't you go to a beach here and sit on the beach.
You don't find on any beach on Samui.

Posted by phuket madness on November 18, 2011 13:14


HMMM!! I see they can find 100 plus people to tear down restaurants on the beach that provide a service to tourists but Can't find any one to enforce the Taxi Tuk-Tuk problems. I think the Big Resort sent a Christmas card early to the Politicians.

Posted by Mr. John on November 18, 2011 13:23


Such tough talk Mr Governor. Restaurants are good for tourists. Try getting rid of the jet ski's and tuk tuk problems, then you can talk tough. Until then, your silence is golden.

Posted by Dun on November 18, 2011 13:31

Editor Comment:

I'm not sure that it's appropriate for anyone with a three-letter identity online to criticise a real-life person, Dun. Why not make an appointment to talk to the Governor? His door is usually open, for real-life people. Then you can tell him exactly what you think.


Wait and see what happens on all the other beaches...

Posted by johndev on November 18, 2011 14:06


Anyone been to Kamala lately? The beach is smothered from one end to the other (about 1km) of tents and restaurants.

But since its not in front of a wannabe 5 star resort ... I guess nothing will happen.

Posted by Tbs on November 18, 2011 21:25


This rare occurrence is actual evidence that someone, somewhere actually cares about the big picture -although I fear it's not the environment.

But local people actually do not care, on a scale that blunts even the most efficient government intent. A month from now you'll be able to stop by for some french fries and a fanta for 170 baht.

Posted by JingJing on November 19, 2011 00:47


I saw concrete foundations being laid on the sand at Kamala Beach this morning. The number of businesses on the sand here is increasing year on year, as is the encroachment. Only the high tide seems to hold them back, and they are trying their best to keep that at bay by building sandbag levees. I'll be very surprised if anything happens to stop them as there is just too much money at stake now.

Posted by kel on November 19, 2011 13:22


The owners of this hotel must have some seriously strong connections.

Posted by Bob on November 20, 2011 14:57

Saturday July 27, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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