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Phuket's Patong nightlife hub, alleged home of the ''nipple tipple''

Breast of Times, Worst of Times for Kiss and Don't Tell Tourists

Saturday, November 5, 2011
PHUKET: 'Kisses are a real knock-out in Phuket' reads a headline on a Malaysian news site today, and the introductory paragraph that follows may shock and surprise Phuket residents.

''Many male tourists who visited Phuket for sex found themselves losing consciousness after kissing the breasts of sex workers, China Press reported.''

Shock! Horror! We know there are many aspects of Phuket's seldom-seen netherworld that are hidden from those of us who lead normal lives. But this?

The rest of the article at was just as jaw-dropping.

''Quoting an article by Hong Kong's Apple Daily, it said many of the men found their money and valuables missing after they regained consciousness.

''The daily reported that the sex workers applied unknown chemicals on their breasts.

''One of the girls from the syndicate, Joob, 24, said more than 10 women were involved, adding that men from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Singapore were their targets.

'''They are more timid and usually won't lodge a police report afterwards.Normally, we can find a few thousand Thai bahts on them,' she said.

''She added that 1500 baht was then given to the mastermind each time they pulled off the stunt. The daily reported that the mastermind could earn up to RM540,000 a year.''

Phuketwan has been unable to confirm this report with Phuket police or with usually reliable sources, often more knowledgeable than we are about such matters.

It's certainly true that rumors about drink-spiking circulate from time to time, as the recent arrest of six women in Patong in possession of drugs used in spiking drinks demonstrated.

No victims were produced, however, so perhaps the one point that the article may be correct about is the timidity of some men.

Drink spiking? We can accept that there are times when it does happen on Phuket, most probably in Patong. But breast spiking? We await firm evidence.


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Where can I sign up to be a drug tester for this one?

Posted by Mister Ree on November 5, 2011 11:24


Definitely firm. I don't want saggy evidence.

Posted by Steve.C on November 5, 2011 11:36


This was a problem occurrence in Pattaya 10 or so years ago. I wonder if the journalist is getting his/her wires crossed (or worse) in light of the recent drink spiking events.

Posted by Ping on November 5, 2011 14:23


Im suprised you find this article "jaw dropping" It has been happening in patong for a long time though more rarely these past few years since it has become easier to just spike the drinks. The katoeys down Soi crocodile used to be the worst offenders. I was warned by my friend when i first came to patong eight years ago to watch out for this and i do know a couple of people who suspect they have been drugged this way as that is the last thing they remember doing before waking up to find they had been robbed and due to the circumstances they did not report the crime as you say most people are to timid to go to the police. How do you report it " Yes officer I was sucking on a breast when POW i woke up to find i had been robbed" I just ask that if you find out what the drug is you don't post it in your news. Not a very clever idea!

Posted by Neil A on November 5, 2011 19:09


Must be some serious "knock out" drug, if simply licking a "breast" can render a fully grown man unconscious so quickly

Posted by tom on November 7, 2011 11:26

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