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Phuket's Patong beach yesterday: New Year party to be discussed tomorrow

Phuket NY Beach Party's Crunch Meeting With Patong Mayor

Thursday, December 20, 2012
PHUKET: A meeting is set for 10am tomorrow between Patong Mayor Pian Keesin and organisers seeking to hold a two-day music festival at Patong beach at New Year.

Today, at a meeting with Phuket Vice Governor Dr Sommai Preechasin at Phuket Provincial Hall in Phuket City, party organisers were told they would need the consent of the mayor, Patong residents and local businesses.

The Sydictive Elements Electronic Dance Music Festival organisers are hoping to be given the right to cordon off a segment of Patong beach opposite the Phuket Graceland Resort and Spa and the B-Lay Tong Phuket, at the northern end of the beach.

An alternative of holding the event at a stadium in Bangkok has been rejected because sponsors of the event are believed to have insisted that it be a beach party.

Negotiations will also have to take place with Patong beach vendors, although it would be possible to erect fencing for each of the two nights and let lounge and umbrella operators work as usual during the daytime.

No update has been given on the whereabouts of the large floating stage that is to be the centrepiece of the music festival.

Cutting it fine, celebrity Paris Hiton announced the two-day New Year event in Bangkok on October 22 for Phuket's Surin beach.

However, general managers of eight well-known resorts and villa estates around Surin objected. They said the idea was a good one, but that Surin beach was the wrong place and New Year was the wrong time.

After a month of insisting the party was going ahead at Surin, where the reaction of conservative local residents was likely to be uncertain, the organisers decided to try Patong instead.

World-class performers have been promised for the December 30-31 event and organisers claimed two weeks ago that 20,000 tickets have already been sold.


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According to the page the event is going to be held at Surin Beach and the tickets sales links appears to work.

10 days to start, the whole thing seems a little bit murky.

Can just hope that the sponsors and the people who purchased thickets already will sleep well.

Posted by Sherlock on December 20, 2012 18:51


Note they have picked the location where most of the Patong drownings have occurred. How perfect is that!

Posted by Boston Expat on December 20, 2012 21:04


This mob were clearly banking on the Mayan prophecy coming true.

Posted by Simon on December 21, 2012 08:28


Smells like fish.

Posted by Sy on December 22, 2012 15:16


I don't understand why this event is so necessary for Phuket. Don't destroy Phuket by bringing more annoyance and drugs to peaceful area

Posted by W on December 23, 2012 11:01

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