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In jeans and a holiday mood, PM Abhisit Vejjjajiva on Phuket

Phuket Tourists Untroubled by Asean Security: PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009
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LOOKING refreshed after a two-day hideaway holiday on Phuket, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjjajiva jetted back to Bangkok last night impressed with what the island has to offer.

He was dressed in jeans and an open-necked shirt when he chatted to journalists at Phuket airport last night.

Many of the 15 leaders invited to the Asean Plus Six Summit on Phuket in June had already said they were coming, he told the local media.

''I am very pleased to have had a holiday here,'' he said.

And fortunately, Phuket produced weather that would have pleased those campaigning to have the low/rainy/wet/green season renamed ''Summer.''

The PM and his family stayed at Sri Panwa, the plush east coast villa resort on a headland at Cape Panwa, with some of the finest views out over Phang Nga Bay.

The two-day break was so secret that even officials at Sri Panwa did not admit the PM was there when Phuketwan called the resort on Sunday afternoon.

This week Cabinet will discuss more serious matters, including whether the Internal Security Act needs to be imposed to make sure security on Phuket does not fail the way it did in Pattya last month, when the summit had to be postponed.

He said he hoped both red shirts and yellow shirts would cease demonstrating on the streets and direct their views through Parliament.

On Asean, he said he understood that the people of Phuket wanted to have the summit on the island.

''All the countries involved understand that Thailand has some political issues for now,'' he said. ''Use of the National Security Act should not affect tourism. It will be a temporary measure.''

Some local businesses have expressed concern that an over-dramatic military presence may frighten away tourists, especially those from sensitive destinations such as China and Japan.

After 10 minutes he was heading for a plane, and probably hoping that the relaxed mood lasts a little longer.

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Hi I wonder if the PM will give back to Phuket, the revenue that went to Bangkok for the last twenty years, so that that we may upgrade all our roads, schools, airport etc ? There should be a massive amount due to Phuket? Should have been done before the Asean + 6 summit to impress the guests. We can show them how things deteriorate with neglect hey ? Impressive hey ?

Posted by Expecting on May 11, 2009 13:05


I agree fully with Expecting. The amount of money Phuket ha sconttributed to the overall GDP is huge, but where do you see any improvements on the island? New incinerator? How many years has that been going on? Roads, they're a mess. Sidewalks, what a joke. Overhead power, it's like living in the dark ages. I don't see how the Thai Officials, the TAT or any other Gov Dept can bang on about Phuket being a world class destination. I've seen better and cleaner public toilets. It's about time this place stopped and smelt the roses, they'll find the scent obscured by all the crap!

Posted by Noddy on May 11, 2009 14:49

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