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A beach in Krabi, free from jet-skis and commercial activity

Overseas Ban on Travel by Thailand Authorities Boosts Phuket, Krabi Tourism

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
PHUKET: A ban on local authorities travelling overseas from Thailand is expected to benefit Phuket and Krabi by improving numbers of tourists during the third quarter, industry officials said today.

Prohibition of overseas trips means Phuket and Krabi are likely to become the preferred destinations for thousands of local administrators who would otherwise have been on study tours or seminars to Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam or wider afield, to Europe.

''I can see Phuket's domestic tourism numbers rising by 30 percent on the basis of this order from the prime Minister,'' said Dr Kritsada Tansakul, the Phuket-based southern director of the Thai Hotels Association.

''Competition for this home-grown market will be intense, with special prices targetting these groups already dropping by 30-50 percent.''

There was similar enthusiasm for the windfall authorities' market in Krabi, where the director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand for the province, Wiyada Srirangkul, told Phuketwan: ''Normally we have visitors from Malaysia, Singapore and China in the 'green' season and we think there will be hundreds of thousands of people from other provinces now looking south instead.''

Phuket and Krabi offered delightful extra activities unrivalled in other parts of Thailand, she said. ''It's good news for Phuket and Krabi,'' she said, ''Even if some local authorities might be disappointed that they can't go overseas.''

Special packages for seminars were already on offer throughout Krabi, she said.


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This is good news. I hope authorities from all over Thailand flock to Phuket and experience first hand how messed up this place is.

Who knows, maybe some of them get so upset they'd actually do something about it.

Posted by Herbert on June 17, 2015 10:33


50% drop in prices what's the point in selling something for no profit, or are the margins that good I should buy myself a hotel. Either is not for me....Phuket is going bad so quickly a few words like this will not change the tide. Greed, dirty, rip offs do I need to go on, yes if you are foreign govet places you pay more and locals will try and rip you off.

Posted by I am pretty far from ok on June 17, 2015 10:47


Poor local Authorities. Not being able any longer to learn/experience abroad the better public transport, normal taxi fares, cleaner beaches and environment, no double pricing. And probably better law enforcement. ( no 13 years long time illegal bungi jumps)

Posted by Kurt on June 17, 2015 14:48


It must have been many "thousands of local administrators." previously going abroad to substantiate this statement?
"I can see Phuket's domestic tourism numbers rising by 30 percent on the basis of this order from the prime Minister"
Will these administrators receive the subsistence payments and hotel allowances they previously received to go abroad when they flock to Phuket and Krabi?

Posted by Alan on June 17, 2015 20:27


Unbelieveable.. The kind of spin this takes to be good news..

Before we used to take our corrupt junkets overseas.. But now we can only go domestic so we will, for no special reason, go to phuket and krabi..

The mind boggles..

Posted by LivinLOS on June 18, 2015 09:25

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