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Plain ''jewellery'' adorns the wrists of Krittisak ''Den'' Hedkeaw today

Nabbed Phuket Gold Robber Tells: My Life of Luxury

Friday, May 4, 2012
PHUKET: A lifestyle built on 11 million baht in stolen gold - most of it taken on Phuket last year - came to an end when police nabbed a gold shop robber at his Bangkok apartment early yesterday.

Police from southern Region 8 surprised Krittisak ''Den'' Hedkeaw, 25, ending his extravagant lifestyle of property, luxury cars, electrical appliances, travels around Thailand and expensive watches.

''I was never into drugs or alcohol,'' he told police. ''I guess I was just addicted to the good life.'' One of his purchases: a 200,000 baht Patek Philippe watch.

Khun Den's arrested at 1.30am at his Bangkok apartment in Jaransanitwong Soi 40 brought to an end the hunt for the man behind one of Phuket's biggest gold shop heists.

It was his fourth raid over three years - one in Suratthani, two in Bangkok and the biggest, a haul of necklets, rings and bracelets worth 5.7 million baht, in June last year at Phuket's Thong Thanet gold shop, near the Slaughterhouse Intersection in Chao Fa Road East.

Police are to share the reward of 100,000 baht offered by Phuket gold shop owners Jirasak and Jantana Thanetsombut for information leading to an arrest.

However, they may have envisaged more of the gold would be recovered. Just a fraction of the gold was left, an indication perhaps that gold shop robbery number five may have been coming shortly.

Police took possession of a .38 pistol and six bullets as well as clothing linked to the raids.

Being from Surattani, Khun Den started his career there, stealing jewellery valued at 2,860,000 baht in a raid on December 3, 2008. March 25 2010 saw him snatch 1,700,000 in gold from a Bangkok shop.

A second Bangkok raid came on September 18 that year, with one million baht as the worth of the haul. Better things were to come when the Phuket raid produced a haul valued at 5,755,050 baht.

With his career as a gold thief at an end, Khun Den said that after serving his time he would switch from gold to saffron - and become a monk.


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Police should never share in a reward for doing their job. How silly is that? There is a reason why in developed countries it is strictly forbidden.

Posted by Joe on May 14, 2012 17:01

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