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Medical staff at the scene of the murder-suicide in Patong this evening

Patong Man Strangles Girlfriend Over Expat Affair, Phuket Police Believe in Murder Suicide Probe

Thursday, December 18, 2014
PHUKET: An expat boyfriend could have been the reason for a taxi driver strangling his girlfriend before hanging himself in Patong, Phuket police believe.

The bodies of the couple were discovered at 5pm tonight at the Baantonsai Garden Resort when a maid used a spare key to open the door.

Inside the room, the naked body of Yuwandee Srikeat, 29, lay on a bed. She had been strangled, police later determined.

Hanging from the curtain rod was Prasit Intaro, an elected councillor from Trang province who also drove a ''black'' illegal taxi in Patong.

The couple checked in to the resort at 12.45am today, police learned.

They paid 320 baht and a refundable deposit and were due to check out in the afternoon.

At 5pm, the maid received no response to her knock so opened the door to discover the two bodies inside the room.

Paramedics believe the couple could have been dead for about five hours.

Police found a note written by Khun Prasit apologising for what had happened to his family and to the child he fathered.

He left his wife for Khun Yuwandee.

Patong police are investigating in the belief that Khun Prasit killed Khun Yuwandee then himself when he discovered that she was having an affair with an Australian man.

Khun Yawandee worked at the Smile Inn at Patong Tower.


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Sad story, strength & RI to all involved and strength to all family & friends

Posted by phuketgreed on December 18, 2014 22:22


"Prasit killed Khun Yuwandee then himself when he discovered that she was having an affair with an Australian man."

If he knew she was otherwise engaged, the Australian may just learn to be more judicious in his pick of sexual partners going forward - and seek out potentially less deadly "courtships."

Or perhaps she never let on she had a Thai partner..a deadly mistake indeed..either way, he's out of mortal now it seems..

Posted by farang888 on December 18, 2014 23:03


'an elected councillor from Trang province who also drove a ''black'' illegal taxi in Patong.'

But weren't they all removed in a big blaze of publicity- oh, hang on.................

Sad for the woman but not the first or last time this has happened.

Posted by Mister Ree on December 18, 2014 23:31


absolutely childish behabiour

to maintain the main family with kids, and then in outrage on Mia Noi to to kill her, himself , thus leaving people 360 grades around him suffering because of him being unable to "keep his cool" and sort out things in reasonable manner

some people have chicken brains in the body of bear

Posted by Sue on December 19, 2014 16:57

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