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The end of the journey for a limo that crshed at Phuket's underpass project

Limo Crashes into Floodwater at Notorious Phuket Underpass Junction

Sunday, September 6, 2015
PHUKET: A limousine driver plunged into water when he tried to drive his car through the uncompleted section of the Tesco Lotus underpass construction project last night.

In heavy rain, with the notorious intersection flooded, the green-plate Camry ended in water as the driver came from Patong through the poorly-lit junction.

Because of the underpass construction taking place on the north-south bypass road, motorists crossing Phuket east-west or vice versa have to turn left then do a u-turn before turning left again to resume their journeys.

Last night about 9pm, with flooding at the intersection and at all familiar places across the island, especially in Patong, the driver went straight on instead of turning left.

He escaped with minor injuries but the vehicle had to be lifted out by crane.

The crash is likely to intensify calls by residents for the underpass constructors to improve the standards of safety on detours around the underpass, which is well over its completion deadline and unlikely to be finished before 2016.


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A green plated car, a car which day in day out drive through that area with passengers. Driver must be familiar with the situation at place.
Well, for readers it is a welcome different 'stop', something else than all the flip overs we see to much.

Posted by Kurt on September 6, 2015 11:59


Its disgusting that the construction company shows so little responsibility and safety concern to properly mark and secure those 'traps' and secondly that our authorities couldn't care less for public safety! - Shame on them!

Posted by Mr. K on September 6, 2015 12:36



Posted by Frog on September 6, 2015 14:14

Editor Comment:

Is this some kind of secret code that only people who can't use the English language understand? If you can't use the language, Frog, maybe it would be wise not to comment at all.


In my world an Toyota Camry aint an "Limo", just an ordinary car.....

Posted by Phuket Expat 16 years on September 6, 2015 16:56


Already one girl has died due to non existent warning signs should not be up to driver familiarity should be correctly barricaded.

Posted by Michael on September 6, 2015 17:40


The Green Plate cars are the most aggressive drivers on the island, many times tail gating and driving too fast for the conditions. Little adjustment of driving for the weather, need I go on. Just another accident, will anything change. Hhhhmmm has it in the last......years. So glad I am back in a place where life has a higher value, London.

Posted by Green Car dodger on September 6, 2015 22:15

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