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Andy Hall's case will be watched by EU, UK, Finnish, Dutch and Danish envoys

Key Day for Criminal Defamation Case Against Andy Hall Falls Due

Sunday, August 23, 2015
BANGKOK: The Bangkok South Criminal Court will decide on Monday August 24 whether to indict British migrant rights researcher and activist Andy Hall on computer crimes and criminal defamation charges.

The hearing will be held at Courtroom 501 at 9am local time and Andy Hall will attend the court with his lawyers.

The European Union Mission in Thailand has confirmed a delegation of EU, UK, Finnish, Dutch and Danish diplomats will be attending to observe the proceedings on Monday morning.

If the Court decides to indict, Andy Hall will be summoned to officially face the criminal charges and be detained awaiting trial. He will have an opportunity to seek release on bail.

This case against Andy Hall was brought by a Thai pineapple company, Natural Fruit Company Ltd., following the publication and dissemination of a Finnwatch report 'Cheap has a High Price'.

The report, to which Andy Hall contributed research, brought to light labor rights violations at the Natural Fruit pineapple processing plant. To date, no one has been held responsible for the violations at the Natural Fruit plant.

Altogether, Natural Fruit has filed four cases against Andy Hall. These comprise two criminal defamation charges, a criminal charge under the Computer Crimes Act and two civil defamation actions.

Prakanong court already on October 29 last year dismissed the charges on the other criminal defamation case.

The Thai Attorney General and Natural Fruit have appealed this decision, urging the court to reopen the case. A decision on the appeal is expected on September 25, 2015.

Andy Hall has a blog at where comprehensive information on these cases against him is documented by Finnwatch and Andy Hall.

Declaration of Interest

A verdict is due on September 1 in the criminal defamation and Computer Crimes Act action against Phuketwan journalists Chutima Sidasathian and Alan Morison. The pair are being sued by the Royal Thai Navy over a 41-word paragraph republished from a Reuters series on Burma's Rohingya boatpeople. The series won a Pulitzer Prize.

The Royal Thai Navy's precedent-setting military-versus-media action predates last May's Army takeover in Thailand. Maximum penalty for Morison and Khun Chutima is seven years' jail.

The journalists remain on bail of 100,000 baht each, provided by the Andaman Community Rights and Legal Aid Centre, based in Trang province. Other groups and organisations have also offered financial help.

Most of the legal costs of the case are being met by the London-based Media Legal Defence Initiative.

In Thailand, a group of more than 10 lawyers have teamed up to provide legal counsel. They include the Human Rights Lawyers' Association, iLaw and SR Law.

WATCH Journey into Hell, by Four Corners
From Burma through Thailand, an award-winning current affairs team traces official complicity in the brutal treatment of the Rohingya and Phuketwan's part in its exposure.

WATCH How Trafficking Works
Phuketwan Investigative reporter Chutima Sidasathian says of traficking in 2014: ''It's worse and worse, day by day. Nobody cares''.

LISTEN The Rohingya Solution
A tragedy almost beyond words has been unfolding in Thailand, where a human smuggling network is thriving with the full knowledge of some corrupt law enforcement officers. Alan Morison of Phuketwan talks to Australia's AM program.


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Best wishes to Andy Hall!! @Atomicalandy
There will be many Australian eyes on the proceedings too.

Posted by Ian Yarwood on August 24, 2015 00:08


Let's not consider the dire consequences and inherent Domino Effect if Andy loses the case - he had better win.

Posted by farang888 on August 24, 2015 04:27


If journalists reports are proven ( facts), and that Natural Fruit company has not been investigated/charged, than Thailand presumenly remains long time in Tier 3. "Lady Justicia" seems really to be blind in Thailand (?)

Posted by Kurt on August 24, 2015 09:32



Albeit Andy Hall has been indicted today,there is no need to panic.

There is an appeal court,and there is court of cassation on a point of law - Supreme court.
Moreover there is Constitutional court to see if the law is valid.

So, there is a need to keep a course and to continue to pursue the legal position of innocence.

Posted by Sue on August 24, 2015 10:41


and then there is Section 44 which says by all accounts, I am more powerful than any law.

Posted by MoW on August 24, 2015 11:11



the Section 44 is about law making, that is norms that are generally aplicable, not resolving individual cases.
It would be of course beneficial, if Sec.44 could be apllied and in the way to free Andy Hall and PW from charges, but it is really on different matter.

I think there is a plenty of space for legal recourse for Andy Hall - this is a first step - just inidiction, there was no trial in 1st instance, and although this crfiminal trial is scertainly disturbing, there is no other way a sto go with legal means in paralle explaining a position with other means.

Posted by Sue on August 24, 2015 12:07


@ sue, your intellect is rivaled only by garden tools.

Posted by anno on August 24, 2015 18:03



was that above today's product of cleaning and drainage of your lateral sphincter...?
why not continue to clean that at TV...? just asking

Posted by Sue on August 24, 2015 19:41

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