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Loose in Thailand: Rahmat Asadi is accused of being a dangerous killer

Dubai's Most Fearsome Wanted Killer Now On the Loose in Thailand

Saturday, March 29, 2014
PHUKET: An all-points alert is being issued today across Thailand for a man now on the loose in the country who is accused of being one of the most dangerous professional killers in the Middle East.

Rahmat Asadi has the reputation of being a cold and calculating killer who numbers a billionaire among his victims.

Officials in Dubai have warned Thai authorities and urged them to take every measure to capture Asadi. Airports throughout Thailand - including Phuket International Airport - are on alert.

Asadi arrived in Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport on Wednesday on flight TKD068 from Dubai. He has not been traced since on any internal flights.

Police fear he could have fled Bangkok by car, bus or train and could now be holed up in Phuket, Samui or Pattaya.

Phuket shares top of the list because recent reports about the missing MH370 flight have exposed the ease with which passports can be stolen and sold on the holiday island.

More criminals are likely to believe they can reinvent their identities easily while visiting the popular international spot, posing as tourists.

Asadi could also simply try to lose himself in cosmopolitan Bangkok, as many other people on international wanted lists have done before him.


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Phuket can be credited for many things, but I don't think it is easier to steel or sell passports there than elsewhere in the Kingdom...and beside from that steeling and selling passports is a big business everywhere in the world. Maybe the embassies could shed some light on where a passport is more likely to be stolen in Thailand ... would probably be where the most foreigners come.

Posted by Sailor on March 29, 2014 14:06


Am I missing something but if he is so wanted, how did he flee Dubai?

Posted by Gregg P Cornell on March 29, 2014 14:16


If the officials in Dubai are so worried and urge Thai authorities to capture this man, how come they let him fly off from Dubai in the first place ?


Posted by ThaiMike on March 29, 2014 14:55


And if he is sooooo wanted, how did he clear immigration in BKK?

Posted by geoff on March 29, 2014 15:24


I bet that this sneaky professional didn't use his REAL passport when leaving Dubai and entering Thailand, ya think?

Posted by MadMike on March 29, 2014 21:45


@madmike, it makes you wonder why they bother taking photos when you enter the country.

Posted by Tbs on March 30, 2014 01:10


obviously took a left hand turn at the airport building like that French couple did and avoided immigration.

Posted by slickmelb on April 1, 2014 00:48


He was in Thai for paint ball champ only.I know him

Posted by Javadshafiei on April 2, 2014 00:03


it is not's like a joking...he just a international sportsman...

Posted by darya on April 5, 2014 20:06

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