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Collapse of More Russian Firms Tipped as Tourists are Dumped on Phuket

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
PHUKET: The collapse of more Russian tourism firms has been forecast after about 60 tourists were stranded on Phuket at the weekend by the collapse of Lanta-Tour.

Another 300 Russian visitors were stranded by the collapse in Pattaya, the chief of Phuket's Tourist Police, Lieutenant Colonel Eakachai Prapormkul, said today.

Those who were trapped on Phuket were left needing help with accommodation, Lieutenant Colonel Eakachai said.

''As with the people stranded in Pattaya, some were able to continue to pay to stay where they were, other shifted to cheap places and the problem was resolved,'' he said

A local tour operator with connections to the Russian market told Phuketwan that the Russian tourism business was so cutthroat that prices were going lower and lower.

''Inevitably, there will be more collapses as competition intensifies,'' he said. The cost of the air travel home had been met when Lanta-Tour folded.

A total of about 2500 people were reported to have been stranded in overseas destinations. Lanta-Tour was one of the oldest operators in Russia.

Russian tour firms are known to shave costs by specifying that their guests can only be treated under medical insurance at Vachira Phuket Hospital, a public hospital that is obliged to treat everyone.

Private hospitals are usually far more expensive.


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How can any tour company specify which hospital to use? Either the customer bought a travel insurance or he/she did not. If they bought a travel insurance they can use any hospital that the INSURANCE company works with. What this have to do with the tour company I don't know. The insurance status of a customer is in no way the responsibility of the tour company. A tour company is a tour company and an insurance company is just that.

Posted by christian on February 1, 2012 17:58

Editor Comment:

Really? It's odd that the Russians we've encountered who come with one tour company have signed up with one insurance company. And that this insurance company specifies only one Phuket hospital, Vachira Phuket.


Not all firms. Some specify to Mission Hospital

Posted by Anonymous on February 1, 2012 22:26


As many insurances exclude North America in their service (unless you pay extra) they do now have the same policy with overrating private hospitals. One of those located in Phuket is meanwhile the most expensive hospital in south east asia.

Posted by G on February 2, 2012 06:26

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