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The car that almost put to sea in Patong today after flooding

Car Swept Towards Sea as Patong's Flood Tide Grows Higher

Monday, August 25, 2014
PHUKET: A parked car almost put to sea today as Patong disappeared under water and onlookers concluded that flooding is growing worse, not better. The car was parked in a soi near the local council's shorefront dining adjacent to Loma Park. The torrent took to the soi because its route down a traditional canal has been blocked. While monsoon deluges cause huge amounts of damage to vehicles, at other times of the year, Phuket runs short of water.


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I think the owner of every inhabited building which includes hotels, resorts , house's , apartment block's should be instructed to install guttering and storage tanks to harvest the rain for use in the dry season. Enough rain falls on Phuket island every year to satisfy the annual needs without needing to resort to the use of boreholes and transporting water around the island in water tankers

Posted by Paul on August 25, 2014 17:32


dident know there was a parking on the beach for cars? i guess that owner learned a lesson!

Posted by Michael on August 25, 2014 18:20


Should not have been parked there in the first place

Posted by paul on August 25, 2014 18:33


The car pictured in the penultimate photo is clearly parked on the sand as water gushers beside it.
Sand, water and a heavy car beside it. Moronic driver if you ask me.

Posted by Tbs on August 25, 2014 18:35


who shall we thank for this continuous flooding mess?...The previous mayor and his administration???

Posted by sky on August 25, 2014 18:46


@Paul don't think you can on a existing building be a voluntary action but they can pass a law on all new construction.

Posted by slickmelb on August 25, 2014 18:52


Just before the first traffic lights in Kamala as you approach from the south a business is under threat because they thought it would be a good idea to start work on the klong in the middle of the rainy season. Maybe better to do maintenance during the dry season.

Posted by Mister Ree on August 25, 2014 19:05


It`s the car to one off the very poor vendors on the beach.

Posted by Bjorn Ronningen on August 26, 2014 08:06

Saturday July 27, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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