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Phuket mechanics unable to fix problem before it gets worse today

Blaze Sends Phuket Mechanics Fleeing as Car is Destroyed: Photo Special

Saturday, April 25, 2015
PHUKET: Four mechanics taking a customer's car for a spin to listen to rattles and assess the problem jumped for their lives when the vehicle burst into flames about 4pm today. The Honda Accord may never be the same. The blaze in Muang Chao Fa Road quickly destroyed the car but fortunately the mechanics were not inside.


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problem appeared to be in engine bay somewhere

Posted by slickmelb on April 26, 2015 01:34


Yes Sir,
We have fixed the rattles and we've hotted up your car. Are there any other issues we can help you with?

Posted by Manowar on April 26, 2015 04:52


"The Honda Accord may never be the same."

That could be considered as an understatement.

Posted by Hugh on April 26, 2015 08:24


I left my car at a aircon repair shop. When I got it back, it had 25 unexplained km on the odometer, several engine cover plastics missing, idle between 200 and 1700 rpm and after being driven for more than about 5 min, it would not start again unless I disconnected the battery.

No explanation given, just a bill of Bt 7500. Took me 2 days to "reverse-engineer" whatever damage they did. Missing parts have yet to be returned to me.

To add insult to injury, the aircon stopped working 2 weeks later too.

Posted by Herbert on April 26, 2015 10:35


My bicycle tyre had to be flat 5 times within a week following repair before I realised the punctures were not done by a repeat visitor at the house or by low quality tyres : the repair shop had made it all. The trick is to damage the inner tube and puncture the tyre so it looks like a puncture from the outside. Since I repaired myself a few months ago no more flat tyres. Unfortunately we have a car of course.

Posted by Anonymous on April 26, 2015 11:44


Sorry about that Herbert, I had to borrow it to make a few trips down to the local. The A/C was working fine for me. As for the missing parts, we know they are just extras the manufacturers add on but not necessary.

p.s. I'll try and return the spare tyre in the next few weeks as you wont need it until you get the car properly fixed.

Posted by Herberts Mechanic on April 26, 2015 11:59


4 mechanics to check for rattles, reminds me of the joke of how many ####(choose whatever nationality you want)electricians to change a light bulb,4, one to hold him and 3 to turn him

Posted by Shwe on April 26, 2015 13:06

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