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Songkran holiday tragedy: the Phuket-bound bus on its side today

UPDATE Bangkok to Phuket Songkran Bus Crashes and Flips: Two Dead, Many Hurt

Friday, April 11, 2014
UPDATING All Day, Every Day

A VAN crashed off the road on a curve in Tha Mai district of Chathaburi province, killing nine Cambodian passengers and injuring the driver and 11 others. Police suspect the man fell asleep at the wheel.

A SECOND person has died from the Bangkok-Phuket bus crash. It has been revealed 47 people were on board.

Original Report

PHUKET: One woman is dead and many passengers injured after a Bangkok-Phuket bus flipped and crashed north of the holiday island today, rescue services said.

According to early reports, the bus struck a sam laew motorcycle with sidecar near Kra Buri, in Ranong province in foggy conditions.

The woman was killed instantly and badly dismembered.

Today marks the first day of Thailand's 'Seven Days of Danger' Songkran New Year holiday road safety campaign.

A Toyota Vigo was also struck by the bus as it crashed off the road and flipped onto its side about 6am. Several children were believed to be on board.

Rescuers were still cutting passengers free from the bus one hour later, with one woman dead and 20 others admitted to Kra Buri Hospital.

At least one foreigner is listed among the passengers. It's likely that others were returning to Phuket to celebrate the Songkran New Year holiday with their families.

The crash comes with concern mounting in Thailand about the safety of buses following a string of crashes. Trucks and pickups carrying large numbers of immigrant workers are also a safety concern.

The regular bus left Bangkok about 9.30pm last night for Phuket. Kra Buri, close to the narrowest point on Thailand's Isthmus of Kra, is the northernmost district of Ranong province.

General conditions on Thailand's roads are so unsafe that the country ranks either second or third-worst in the world for crashes, depending on the survey.


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Why don't they require safety a belt for everyone that travels on a bus/pickup? If they can enforce bars not selling alcohol on voting weekends they could introduce safety belts as well - a safety belt can be understood by simple minded people; no beer drinking the day before going to the polls is much more difficult to understand!

Posted by Anonymous on April 11, 2014 09:30

Editor Comment:

Safety belts are coming. But that won't fix some of the other issues.


Oppsy, why is the Russian ladies car accident pic also in the bus story? Did I miss something in the story?

Posted by Anonny on April 11, 2014 17:40

Editor Comment:

Probably to see if you are paying attention. You are paying attention.


Seen a rebel bikie lose control of his big bike down at the patong beach round about today...looked like a pretty nasty injury too.... Madness on the roads here. Think I'll stay indoors this weekend

Posted by Katoey Joe on April 11, 2014 19:56


It may not be compulsory but most of the buses I use from Bangkok to/from Korat do have seat belts & the VIP buses from Korat to/from Chiang Mai all have.

Posted by Logic on April 11, 2014 20:47


If safety issues were tissues you'd have a pile of paper a mile high. How about the little wicker chairs for helmetless children on motorcycles? How about 5 people on a motorbike? How about being proactive when it comes to the million and one outstanding safety issues on roads,buses,speedboats, etc etc..

Posted by Dean on April 11, 2014 21:37


Ya know it would be real interesting to read of a report and pics from Phuketwan if you guys had time and resources to unobtrusively observe some of the so called "checkpoints" that the BIB set up for "preventative safety".
Naaa... the BIB would probably sue if you guys recorded and photographed the "realities" of the "traffic cone,TV and picnic tent checkpoints".

Posted by david on April 12, 2014 08:21

Editor Comment:

Don't know what you're on about, david. We've just passed through two checkpoints, with a visa run driver being questioned at one. The checkpoints appear to function efficiently.


Of course if you were simply to announce that you would be setting up surveillance cameras at random check points... could result in some paranoid cops who may just do their job?..5555 Probably dangerous ground though?

Posted by david on April 12, 2014 08:35

Editor Comment:

Sorry, we have more important things to do. And people who laugh inappropriately have problems.


When I die I want it to be like like my grandfather, peaceful and in his sleep. Not screaming like his 17 passengers.

Posted by DuncanB on April 12, 2014 16:02

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