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Not alone for long: A good high season for Phuket and Thailand is forecast

AoT Tips Phuket and Thailand Will Enjoy Boost This High Season

Thursday, October 23, 2014
PHUKET: A bright high season is being predicted for Phuket and Thailand by Airports of Thailand, the organisation that manages the island's airport and Thailand's other major airports.

At Phuket airport, the number of flights is expected to grow from 200 to 233, which will lift passenger number from 29,900 to 36,100, according to AoT.

And most of that increase will be in international passengers.

The upbeat assessment comes in contrast to concerns that the murders of two British tourists on Koh Tao may have scared people away or that visitors will no longer enjoy Phuket without the thousands of sunbeds and umbrellas that littered the sands last season.

Four drownings in the Andaman region this month - two Indian tourists off the coast of Krabi province then two Koreans returning from Phi Phi to Phuket - have also added to safety alarms.

The new, positive forecast contrasts with a gloomy year for Thai tourism, marked early on by street protests, then the military takeover in May.

The birth of the ''New Phuket'' from November 1 may allay the fears of many, if the AoT outlook proves correct.

So far a survey of resorts forward bookings by Phuketwan and comments by the Phuket Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, Anoma Vongyai, have pointed towards a ''quite strong'' high season.


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Bringing penniless tourists into Thailand with cheap package tours is a big boondoggle for the tourism Thai industry.
Only foreign companies which organize package-tours will make huge profit by squeezing hotels and tour providers for the cheapest of the cheapest prices and local Thai businesses will be starving as usual.

Posted by Whistle-Blower on October 23, 2014 15:56


Let us hope that AoT's optimism turns into reality for the benefit of not only Phuket and its neighbouring Provinces but for the whole of Thailand. I doubt whether anyone this time last year would have believed the changes that have taken place, particularly since May. Sadly events like those on Koh Tao have overshadowed the many positive changes but perhaps turning the international spotlight on Thailand will encourage far more positive action on the continued rooting out and prosecution of corruption and not least Thailand's falling and failing record on Human Rights. Better a spotlight on these than a brush sweeping them under the carpet.

Posted by Alan on October 23, 2014 16:23


Haha, the "New Phuket" indeed ! Nothing's really changed except that you can't lie on the beach with an umbrella and cold drink to hand.
And there may be more flights, but will they be full? And full of what kind of tourists? More Chinese? Pah!

Posted by jimbo34 on October 23, 2014 17:16


AoT management. Please put your jobs at stake if results & figures proof differently. Then and yes only then I might, try to, believe your Optimistic sounds. Current flight figures show contradicationary.

Posted by phuketexpat on October 23, 2014 21:11


I am coming to Karon before Christmas for 4 weeks. If there is no Beach chairs on Karon I go to some other place where I can find chairs on the beach!

Posted by 8 time Phuket visitor from Finland on October 24, 2014 02:31

Editor Comment:

You may have to travel some distance. You can take your own.


@8 time visitor. If you are Lucky you will still be able to get a tripled price Tuk-Tuk, a Black or Green or Metered Taxi to Home_Pro to buy your Carry-On Beach chair. By a plastic one. Less Heavy.
BE Related. Mai pan Ra.

Posted by phuketgreed on October 24, 2014 09:07


I have a few friends working as managers and some as GMs of local hotels, large and small. Having spoken to them, they all say the same.

There is a definite peak in bookings, as always, from DEC 21 to JAN 7 but after that it's virtually dead. Consensus is the real drop in tourist arrivals is between 40% and 50%.

This is no statistically valid "survey" of mine, just passing on what those in the know tell me. One can also just take a stroll around Patong and it's immediately clear there simply are almost no tourists whatsoever. The upside is much lighter traffic.

Just because TAT says so, does not make it so.

Posted by Herbert on October 24, 2014 10:32

Editor Comment:

''Almost no tourists whatsoever'' in Patong is an indication that your survey is unscientific, Herbert. Visitor numbers are down but tourists haven't disappeared. That's what military takeovers do. There is no suggestion that the military should stop reforming the country just because tourism is down. Those people who say ''It's because there are no sunbeds'' don't get it quite right.


There are no sunbeds on the beaches "8 time Phuket visitor from Finland". The beaches become dirtier every day. The tourists who are here now hope that there will be changes after the Games.

Posted by Kas on November 1, 2014 18:59


Are you kidding yourself Editor? It appears the numbers are up becuase of the Asian games - After than I would like to see you do a story regarding tourist numbers but you won't, you are so occupied in making out that the Sunbeds will not matter - Your own private war. Shame on you.

Posted by martial on November 17, 2014 13:45

Editor Comment:

We don't have a ''private war'' on sunbeds. Removing them wasn't something we considered possible before the military cleaned the beaches. The problem is that a noisy minority are now trying to go back to the past while the vast majority think Phuket looks wonderful and has a much better future without them. Only the self-obsessed and the greedy want them back.

Monday September 16, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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