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Australian honorary consul Larry Cunningham spoke of rip-offs

Phuket Property Dispute 'Just the Tip of Iceberg,' Says Consul

Thursday, November 24, 2011
PHUKET: Phuket honorary consul Larry Cunningham, asked by the Australian Embassy to investigate a Phuket property fraud, has won assistance from Phuket police.

The case involved a condominium in Patong where investors from Australia, Sweden, Denmark and Austria had been caught up in litigation.

''I am hearing more and more of these sorts of problems, unfortunately,'' Mr Cunningham said, ''And I think Phuket is going to have a lot more of them.''

''The problem with these property stories is that they make it into the newspapers very quickly.''

Mr Cunningham said the people had invested in a condominium block in Patong that originally involved eight apartments.

''But the builder did not stop at eight, he built 14 apartments, so now the owners cannot get their condominiums registered at the Land Department because the developer has built 14 when he was only supposed to build eight.''

The developer had also tried to onsell the property and there were now about five court cases involved, Mr Cunningham said.

''I think this is the tip of the iceberg. These property problems are going to come up more and more.''

Major General Pekad undertook to investigate the case.


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I think Mr.Cunningham is 100% correct. This is only the tip of the ice berg. I have many friends with property issues in Phuket. They are saying that they will not buy again in Phuket.

Posted by Billy on November 25, 2011 16:24


Tip of a huge mountain would be more in proportion! Icebergs are not that big!

PS: is there any reason why those properties cannot be named?

Posted by Mr. K on November 25, 2011 17:19


Having been here 8y and working in the real estate business for most of that time, I can certainly confirm that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

I got out of that business because of my inability to protect my customers from being conned.

Many are too ashamed to come forward because they feel they are victims of their own stupidity and quietly just walk away from the lost property.

Posted by Steve C on November 25, 2011 18:09


Three words; Rent. Rent. Rent. ( And it ain't just Phuket )

Posted by Media Watcher on November 25, 2011 19:03


@Media Watcher is correct. People have to consider that renting is the far safer option than giving into the hard-wired impulse to own.

Posted by JingJing on November 25, 2011 20:55


Nothing wrong with owning property if you do your homework, Do not deal with agents who have just sprung up over night or who you met in a bar.

Posted by lord Jim on November 27, 2011 14:38


met you in a bar Lord Jim once or twice : ) that's why I still rent.

but absolutely correct so many people come here and start working in real estate with no previous experience of it and maybe have been in Phuket for a year or two thats no length of time to know anything about the real phuket.

Posted by Michael on December 3, 2011 07:11

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