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The road that once went under the Phuket resort now goes alongside it

Phuket Loses Quirky Road Through Yacht Club to Ao Sane Beach

Sunday, September 13, 2015
PHUKET: The road to Ao Sane beach has always been one of those quirky experiences that show visitors how different Phuket is from the rest of the world.

The building decades ago of one of Phuket's first luxury resorts, the Royal Phuket Yacht Club at Nai Harn beach, triggered a battle over land.

In building the stylish resort, the road to Ao Sane was blocked, and the court battle that followed led to a decree that the road needed to be reopened.

So the quirky road to Ao Sane meant that drivers had to actually go in through the entrance to the resort, then under the building, before emerging out the back on the road to Ao Sane again.

Renovations of the Royal Phuket Yacht Club, which at various times has been branded a Mandarin Oriental and a Le Meridien, are coming along fast, with the opening date set for January 16 next year.

And as part of the renovations, the Ao Sane road, now runs around the outside of the resort.

Generations of islanders will miss that quirky old road, which in many ways helped to keep Ao Sane beach a secret for so long.


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Interesting. I don't know all the facts but that road was in court for many years and some people I spoke to previously said it remained in the courts with some very high people involved. Presumably it has all be cleared up now otherwise the hotel couldn't re-position it. Time will tell I guess...

Posted by Duncan on September 13, 2015 11:20

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