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Travel to China is assured, but not travel to Russia yet

Lack of Russian Studies on Phuket a Handicap

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
PRINCE of Songkla University has doubled its classes in the Chinese language to cope with the increasing demand of Phuket's tourist industry.

But Russian? That's proving harder to achieve. And perhaps lack of a good local course in Russian may be contributing to problems within the guide industry, where growing numbers of Russians are being employed.

Most Thais who act as Russian-speaking guides have studied the language in Moscow or Vladivostok.

The Vice President for the Prince of Songkla Phuket Campus, Assistant Professor Methi Sunbanich, told Phuketwan that the demand for skilled and qualified workers in tourism was driving development of the university's education program.

The Hospitality Management and Tourist Management courses at the university in Kathu were now being taught in English instead of Thai.

So are other courses, including International Business: China, Chinese Studies and Thai Studies.

''The market in Phuket needs people who can speak Chinese,'' Ajarn Methi said. ''Our students have to go to study in three Chinese cities for the three years of their course.

''The first and second years involve 80 days' study in China each, and in the third year, that increases to 140 days.''

While the number of Russians visiting Phuket was increasing more rapidly than Chinese visitors, the PSU was having difficulty establishing a course because of a shortage of teachers.

''Our students should be proficient in at least three languages,'' he said. ''But finding educators is not always easy.''

Maintaining a ratio of one teacher to every 20 students was desirable to enhance learning, yet also difficult to achieve, he said.

Tourism Management began in 2006 and includes courses for guides, marketing, the operations of airlines and cruise ships and other essentials.

Hospitality Management also began in 2006 and included studies about resort management, food and beverage, activities and meetings in resorts, and spa management.

A Chinese proficiency test was required before students could attempt a BA in International Business:China or a BA in Chinese Studies.

One subject costs 3600 baht per term at Prince of Songkla. Students can face a timetable that includes four or five sujects a term. Library fees, insurance and sports fees all come on top of that.

Travel expenses to China have to be met by students. For this reason, many resorts and tourism organisations on Phuket offer supporting scholarships to students.

These usually oblige students to go to work on completion of their degrees with the particular resorts.

The tourism and hospitality courses now come under the Faculty of Service Industries. Masters degrees are offered in business administration and hospitality and tourism management.

A doctorate in hospitality and tourism administration is also available as a joint Ph D with Oklahoma State University in the US.

IT is also becoming increasingly important with the Faculty of Technology and Environment founded in 2005. The faculty offers degrees in computer science, computer engineering, information technology, software engineering and electronic business.

A masters degree is also available in social development.


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Unique Russian Classes at Chaya Gallery (Chalong).
Not difficult to learn and have own material adopted for Thai people.

Posted by Ang on July 13, 2012 13:48

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