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Chinapak Piaklin, wowing the audience with a great performance last night

Phuket Sisters Sing Up a Starry Storm

Monday, April 5, 2010
PHUKET has two new heroines who have won their war the modern way - through singing sweetly to a growing army of fans.

Last night younger sister Chinapak Piaklin, 18, narrowly lost the final of the national 'Star 6' talent competition. She finished in third place out of the five contestants, after having been distressed by the death of her grandmother.

However, she stole the hearts of the audience when she hugged on stage with her mother and last year's 'Star 5' series winner, older sister Kam, 19, who is better known by her nickname, Kate.

Khun Kate became the first female winner of the popular series last year . . . and the sisters, given their stellar performances, are deservedly regarded at Phuket's new heroine role models.

The males may have won the singing war but they lost the more important battle for the hearts of viewers.


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'The males may have won the singing war but they lost the more important battle for the hearts of viewers'. Ah the viewer's kicked her out, they liked the male's voice's more...

Posted by Jamie on April 6, 2010 02:38

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